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Mechagon Peacekeeper

Mechagon Peacekeeper
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Mechagon Peacekeeper is a mount in WoW that drops from HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit in the Operation: Mechagon dungeon with a 0.55% drop chance. This mechano-tank mount was introduced in Battle for Azeroth and is one of the rarest dungeon mounts in the game. Our ChaosBoost team offers a Mechagon Peacekeeper boost to get you this mount without the grind. Instead of spending weeks (or even months) running Mechagon, let us do the work for you. Our boosters run the dungeon – with or without you in the party – and give you the best chance to get the Mechagon Peacekeeper mount and add this sweet mechanical beast to your collection.


When you buy a Mechagon Peacekeeper carry, you get more than just the mount itself. Our boost service gives you all the rewards of a full Operation: Mechagon clear. Here’s what you get:

  • Mechagon Peacekeeper mount – The rare spider-tank mount from BFA. We’ll deliver it to your collection and you can ride this mechanical Peacekeeper across Azeroth. This mount is account-wide so all your characters can use it once you get it.
  • Operation: Mechagon completion – A full clear of the Operation: Mechagon dungeon. We’ll kill all bosses (including HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit) with our team. This also counts towards any dungeon completion achievements or questlines.
  • All loot and gear from the run – You keep every item that drops for you during the dungeon run. While the main goal is the mount, Operation: Mechagon bosses can drop gear, pets, or other collectibles.
  • Achievements and progress – If you haven’t done Operation: Mechagon before, you might get achievements for boss kills or progress towards meta-achievements.

By choosing our Mechagon Peacekeeper boost, you get all these rewards in one go. In short, you get the mount and all the dungeon clear’s loot without the hassle. Save time and get the rewards now, instead of hoping for lucky drops for weeks.


We offer flexible boosting options to fit your playstyle. Choose what you prefer:

  • Selfplay – You play your own character during the Mechagon Peacekeeper boost. No account sharing is required. You’ll join our expert dungeon team and we’ll carry you through Operation: Mechagon.
  • Piloted – A professional booster plays your character and farms the Mechagon Peacekeeper on your behalf. This is completely hands-off for you. One of our trusted players will securely log into your account (using a VPN matching your location for safety) and complete the Operation: Mechagon dungeon.

Both Selfplay and Piloted boosting options aim to get you the Mechagon Peacekeeper as fast and safe as possible. Choose what you like best. Either way, our team will use their expertise to get the mount in as few runs as possible. If you have any questions about these options, our support is here to help and accommodate your needs.


Before buying a Mechagon Peacekeeper boost, make sure you meet these basic requirements:

  • Max Level character (Retail WoW) – You have a high-level WoW character on your account.
  • Game account with access to Operation: Mechagon – Active World of Warcraft subscription.

These are straightforward requirements and most players already meet them. If you’re unsure about anything (like dungeon access or character level), contact our support. We’ll help you get ready. We want the boost to be quick and enjoyable with minimal effort from you.

How to Get Mechagon Peacekeeper

To get Mechagon Peacekeeper in WoW TWW, you must run Operation: Mechagon on heroic, mythic, or mythic+ and kill HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit. This mount does not drop on Normal – it’s only on Heroic and Mythic (including Mythic+). Farming Mechagon Peacekeeper is a test of patience. Statistically, with a 0.55% drop rate, you might have to farm for months or even years without the boost.

In short, to get Mechagon Peacekeeper you either have to put in a lot of time or get a bit of help. Solo farming is possible but very inefficient. By buying a Mechagon Peacekeeper mount boost, you skip to the good part. Our team will do the dungeon, the bosses and the grinding, and deliver the mount to you as soon as it drops. No stress, no wasted hours – just the fun of getting a rare mount in your collection.


Got questions about the Mechagon Peacekeeper boost? Read below to get more information.

How does the Mechagon Peacekeeper boost service work?

Our Mechagon Peacekeeper mount boost is straightforward. Once you buy the service, we schedule a run at your convenience. Our team of experienced WoW boosters will either invite you to a group (for selfplay) or log in to your character (for piloted) and then run the Operation: Mechagon dungeon on Mythic difficulty. We will kill all the required bosses, including HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit, as fast as possible. If the mount drops, you loot the Mechagon Peacekeeper and it’s yours.

Do you guarantee the mount will drop?

The Mechagon Peacekeeper has a 0.55% drop rate, which is very rare – about 1 in 200 chance per kill. We offer a guaranteed mount service – we will farm with you (or on your account) until the mount drops, no matter how many runs it takes.

How long does the Mechagon Peacekeeper boost take to complete?

A single Operation: Mechagon Mythic run is relatively quick when done by our team. Typically a full dungeon clear takes about 20-30 minutes. This includes traveling to the dungeon, killing all the bosses and looting the HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit. If the service includes multiple runs (e.g. you booked 5 runs or an until drop deal), we may either chain-run dungeons back-to-back (if possible) or schedule them across different days (due to lockouts).

Do I have to share my account for this boost?

Not necessarily – it’s up to you. We have two options: Selfplay (no account sharing) and Piloted (account sharing). If you choose selfplay, you do not share your account at all. You will simply join our team in-game and play alongside us while we do all the work.

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