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Hoop of the Blighted

Hoop of the Blighted
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Hoop of the Blighted is a WoW in-game ring item that drops from the Voidstone Monstrosity boss in The Rookery dungeon with a 53.52% drop chance. It boosts stamina, critical strike, and mastery secondary stats.


Hoop of the Blighted is a great choice for World of Warcraft characters in the War Within expansion for Mythic+ and other PvE activities. You can purchase this and other dungeon rewards on our boosting site.

Difficulty Level End-of-Run Item Level Weekly Reward Item Level
Mythic 632 642
Mythic +2/+3 636 645
Mythic +4 639 649
Mythic +5/+6 642 652
Mythic +7/+8 649 655
Mythic +9/+10 and up 652 662

This item suits for all classes: warrior (arms, fury, protection), paladin (holy, protection, retribution), hunter (beast mastery, marksmanship, survival), rogue (assassination, outlaw, subtlety), priest (discipline, holy, shadow), shaman (elemental, enhancement, restoration), druid (balance, feral, guardian, restoration), death knight (blood, frost, unholy), monk (brewmaster, mistweaver, windwalker), mage (arcane, fire, frost), warlock (affliction, demonology, destruction), demon hunter (havoc, vengeance), and evoker (devastation, preservation, augmentation), because it boosts passive stamina, critical strike, and mastery stats.

By buying this service, you’re getting a full The Rookery dungeon run on the personal loot mode in Mythic and higher difficulties (not a guaranteed gear), so your character has chances to loot this and other rewards. You can also use additional service options to increase chances of looting Hoop of the Blighted from the dungeon.

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