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WoW Sureki Skyrazor Mount Boost

WoW Sureki Skyrazor Mount Boost
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WoW Sureki Skyrazor Mount Boost is a service created to help gamers achieve new rarest transport from the Nerub’ar Palace. Sureki Skyrazor is one of two unique nerubian dragons added as a reward for progress in the first The War Within raid. Reins of this Skyrazor can be obtained for specific activities and require full Palace run completion. Mount is a drop from the last boss, Queens Ansurek, and getting her head is one of the hardest tasks for WoW raiders and boosters. You need to kill her in any raid mode, but Sureki mount is still one of the rarest drops, so you must rely on luck.

To achieve Sureki Skyrazor WoW gamers must be skillful, have excellent knowledge of raid mechanics, and have a well-coordinated team of geared characters. As with other rare mounts from previous endgame raids, players have to spend a lot of effort and time, so only persistence is rewarded. But when you purchase Sureki Skyrazor farming service, you no longer have to worry about such requirements. Buying Sureki Skyrazor Mount Boost WoW players will achieve a team of top-tier PvE experts with maxed-out characters who will quickly run through the Palace and farm you the desired unique nerubian dragon.


Any activity in WoW requires certain criteria to be met because in order to achieve something, you need to put in some effort. With our World of Warcraft services, things are similar because we cannot assist you with achieving Sureki Skyrazor if your character does not have access to the endgame raid. Below, you can see the list of necessary actions that need to be taken before the Mount Boosting order is finalized.

  • The main criteria related to content access is the purchased expansion. Ensure you purchased The War Within from the official store because, without it, you can’t experience new endgame content and achieve the loot from new bosses, including Reins of the Sureki Skyrazor.
  • The second requirement related to the accessibility of the WoW endgame content is an active subscription. Before ordering our services, make sure you have paid Blizzard your monthly fee and that your account is active.
  • The next requirement is related to the ability to enter the raid. Since Nerub’ar Palace is an endgame instance added in The War Within, you need to reach the maximum level of the expansion to enter the raid. If your character is not level 80, we won’t be able to help you with the mount farm.
  • Now you have access to the game, the content of the latest extension, and the raid portal, but there is one more thing that could prevent our team from performing farming service. You need to have no active raid cooldown this week to achieve all the rewards you requested. If you have the weekly cooldown, you can just wait with the farming service till next week or, in case of emergency, purchase this boost for another character on your account.
  • Since Sureki Skyrazor may be farmed in Normal raid mode, you don’t need to have a specific average item level (ilvl) on the character chosen for boosting. To perform this service, we will provide you with a team of the best PvE experts, so you don’t need to have decent skill and game knowledge either.

We can’t help you with specific criteria, as assistance with paying for subscriptions and buying the extension itself is not on our list of services. However, we are able to help with the leveling requirement and have two solutions for you. The first concerns the fact that Reins of the Sureki Skyrazor, when obtained, allows you to summon a nerubian dragon by any character on the account, which means you need to have level 80 on any of the characters on the account, regardless of faction, race and class. If you have clearly decided that you want to get a boost for a certain character, and he does not have the maximum level, we can offer you our leveling service, which will bring your character to the required level in the shortest possible time.


Each of our WoW services has a list of additional options that are created to simplify order fulfillment and to cover all possible requests that customers have. Of course, we have provided such an opportunity and all players of WoW who want to buy Sureki Skyrazor Boost. However, given that this is a typical mount farming boost, the list of additional options considered in the order is not so large. Possible options for WoW Sureki Skyrazor farm can be seen below.

  • At checkout, you may choose your character’s control options. We provide a choice between Piloted and Selfplay options, which will allow you to get exactly the kind of boost you like. In the Selfplay version of the service, you and a team of PvE experts will go through all the encounters, see all the raid content and how the fights go from the inside and get the coveted Sureki Skyrazor. In the Piloted version, you will leave all your worries to our boosters, and you can do whatever else you want while we farm your mount.
  • Express option gives WoW players priority before other customers. The option allows you to skip the service queue and achieve faster progression.

With these options, you can choose the option that is right for you. If you have chosen the Piloted option of controlling your character while performing the service, you will be able to watch the whole walkthrough from start to finish on a personal stream.


Reins of the Sureki Skyrazor drop from the last boss of the giant endgame raid, which means that to only get to the Queen, the raid group will complete all necessary encounters on the way. Of course, the main purpose of Sureki Skyrazor farm is to provide you with the nerubian dragon, but while progressing, you can achieve much more than that. Below, you can see the list of guaranteed and possible rewards that every WoW gamer who orders Sureki Skyrazor farm will receive.

  • Guaranteed drop of Sureki Skyrazor as the main purpose of the farm.
  • Chance to get BiS (best-in-slot) equipment, such as armor, weapons and jewelry for your character. This equipment binds to the character when picked up (BoP), so you will be able to boost your main or alt (depending on your choice) even with our mount farming service.
  • Chance to loot BoE (bind-on-equip) gear and weapons, which you can upgrade one of your characters with. Also, they could be sold at the auction house for a good amount of gold.
  • Chance to get unique Nerub’ar Palace armor tokens for your specialization. With those tokens, you will be able to purchase tier-set armor related to the first PvE season of The War Within expansion from a special vendor.
  • Chance to collect unique recipes for various professions and top-tier reagents, which also could be either sold to other players or used to boost your progression.
  • A decent number of golden coins is also a nice addition to the service’s rewards. Raids are not the best gold-farming spots, but in Nerub’ar Palace, you can achieve a couple thousand or more for one full run.
  • Possibly the raise of reputation level with new factions for slaying nerubs and void creatures from the Ansurek’s army and raid progression.

Sureki Skyrazor is an extremely rare mount, which means a very little drop chance. But since we provide you with a team of PvE experts, their characters can loot the mount and hand it over to the customer. Yes, it still might take several runs, but with this method, we greatly increase the drop chances. We provide you with the most reliable team that will farm Reins of the Sureki Skyrazor in the minimum possible time.

WoW Sureki Skyrazor Boost Guide

Each mount farming boost, including the WoW Sureki Skyrazor option, is a simple WoW service with basic requirements, a small list of additional options, and a predictable outcome. Despite its simplicity, many new WoW gamers and customers who have never used boosts don’t quite understand the purchasing process. We will provide our customers with a small guide to show all the steps customers need to perform to achieve professional assistance.

  • Head to our website and click the Catalog button. On the dropdown list, select the World of Warcraft Boost Services category.
  • In this section, find the Nerub’ar palace subsection and pick WoW Sureki Skyrazor Boost.
  • Pick between Piloted and Selfplay boost versions, and get the Express option if necessary. Different variants affect the final price in different ways, so choose considering the favorable calculation.
  • Proceed further to the order tab, where you must enter payment details to buy the desired Sureki Skyrazor farm.
  • You can contact the manager using the website’s capabilities to get all the information about timings, conditions, assigned team, delivery terms, and any other needed information.

Mount farming services, as well as other WoW boosts, have a simple list of actions required to achieve our help. The process is simple and quick due to our website’s easily understandable and convenient design. After the order is placed, we will help you with any problem you have during the process and provide you with the best mount farming experience. By purchasing WoW Sureki Skyrazor Boost, you are guaranteed professional help and the quickest, safest, and most effective World of Warcraft service.

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