WoW Rasha’nan Boost

WoW Rasha’nan Boost is a service created to help The War Within gamers complete the fourth boss encounter in the Nerub’ar Palace. Rasha’nan, a strange giant insect resembling a mishmash of wasps, beetles, bats and other creatures, is a horrifying experiment made by the nerubian Queen. Now, Rasha’nan resides in the Grand Rampart with another of her experiments. To proceed to the next floors of the Palace each raid group might face this mad wasp from hell and defeat it. In the battle, Rasha’nan will use many nasty abilities: attack the raid with poison, spitting at single targets or in AoE (area-of-effect), summon bugs, control players with webs, and infect them with infested spawns.
Such a set of attacks and spells may easily create problems with raid progression, so we created a special service that will help struggling players kill Rasha’nan. This boss-killing service offers WoW gamers a team of PvE experts who will complete the Rasha’nan encounter for them, regardless of the raid difficulty. Purchasing the service, you won’t need to find a well-coordinated team or have high skill and reaction, good knowledge of boss mechanics, and a BiS (best-in-slot) geared character. Our boosters will fight Rasha’nan and provide you with all possible rewards, while you just can chill and not waste your time and nerves.
Thanks to our boss-killing services you can achieve anything in WoW The War Within, but in order to benefit from them you need to comply with certain conditions. Our team doesn’t need anything supernatural to help you, just that you have access to the content you want to boost. Before ordering Rasha’nan Boost make sure you meet the following criteria.
- The first condition is an access to the specific WoW expansion, which includes the content you need to boost. Ensure The War Within expansion was purchased before you order Rasha’nan boss-killing service.
- The second requirement is that you have the possibility to play within the chosen service time limit. Ensure that your subscription is active, and if it’s not, pay Blizzard your monthly fee before the boost.
- The only in-game requirement related to access to the chosen content is the ability of the character to enter the raid. Nerub’ar Palace requires all characters in the raid group to be at the maximum level of The War Within expansion. Ensure that the hero undergoing the boost is at level 80 or level it up before the raid.
- Being able to get into the Palace is nice, but it would be a nuisance if a team of PvE experts found the bosses dead. To rule this out, check if you have an active cooldown. If there is, choose another character or wait until the weekly reset.
As you can see, the list of requirements is quite simple, so it will be easy to meet all criteria. However, each requirement is essential and we just won’t be able to assist you if at least one of them is not met. Make sure to check this list before ordering to make the carry quick and smooth.
Additional options is a feature that allows WoW gamers to customize their requests and make orders as close to their wishes as possible. A well-defined request also allows us to choose the optimal boost method, which will only increase the speed of order fulfillment. All additional options for World of Warcraft players to adjust the Rasha’nan boost are described below.
- Normal, Heroic, or Mythic modes are the three raid difficulties we provide assistance in, and you can pick which is suited for the service. It is important to determine in advance on what difficulty you want to complete the Rasha’nan encounter to avoid misunderstandings during the boosting process. We take a thorough approach to our work, and therefore, boosters will be selected for your team in accordance with the complexity of the request. Of course, the complexity does not affect the possibility of wipes or delays because we will provide you with a team of professional PvE players who guarantee you 100% results and get all the rewards.
- An unnecessary but very beneficial option is the ability to add Mythic+ dungeons to the boss-kill service. Passing the key will help you complete a particular dungeon with a team capable of easily handling the toughest raid, which guarantees a fast walkthrough and good loot. Choosing a high key will also give you the opportunity to get an improved weekly reward from the Great Vault.
- For Rasha’nan service, customers may choose additional types of character control options, such as Self-play or Piloted mode. Self-play allows them to experience the boss fight themselves. Upon choosing Piloted mode, WoW gamers will be able to do their favorite real-life or other game activities while our PvE experts pass the encounter and obtain top-tier items.
- The last addition is an Express option, which allows customers to skip the service queue and speed up the boost.
Additional options created to help you to customize requests, but pick precisely, because options affect the entire Rasha’nan boss killing process. This is also important because PvE experts prepare for each run in advance and build the optimal team to meet the specific request. The options you customize your order with can affect the final price, speed of completion and additional rewards, which you can read about below.
Rasha’nan, as well as other Nerub’ar Palace bosses, have a very unique loot table, so players purchasing this boost may expect a good set of rewards. They vary from gear items to different currencies. Below, you can see the list of guaranteed and possible rewards you can get with this boss-killing service.
- Guaranteed completion of the Rasha’nan boss fight in the chosen raid mode and access to the following encounters.
- Rasha’nan loot has a specific ilvl (item level) range, which corresponds to the difficulty mode. Equipment from Normal raid will be of 597-613 ilvl, Heroic will provide 610-627 ilvl, and from Rasha’nan in Mythic mode players can loot items from 623 to 639 ilvl.
- BoP (bind-on-equip), which drops for characters with a specific raid role and armor type. Rasha’nan can provide WoW gamers with several notable BoP items including Skyterror’s Corrosive Organ trinket, Predator’s Feasthooks warglaives, Locket of Broken Memories neck jewelry, Wings of Shattered Horror cape and others.
- BoE (bind-on-equip) items can drop from bosses as well as usual mobs. They may be used to upgrade a current or alternative character or sold at the auction house for a small fortune.
- Crafting reagents, obtainable only from the Nerub’ar Palace raid.
- A unique recipe for tailors Pattern: Duskthread Lining, which can be obtained only from Rasha’nan.
- Mythic, Venerated, Dreadful and Zenith Obscenity’s Idols, which are unique raid tokens required to receive tier-set shoulder armor from the first The War Within PvE season.
- Common and unique currencies such as Gold, Valorstones and various types of Harbinger Crests required for gear upgrades.
- Mythic: Rasha’nan achievement with 10 points (only on the hardest difficulty), and progression with other Nerub’ar Palace achievements, such as You Can’t See Me.
- For Nerub’ar Palace progression and slaying of the Rasha’nan boss in any difficulty mode WoW players can achieve Reputation and Renown points with The War Within factions.
As soon as you are summoned to the boss’s location, you can be sure that the kill will be smooth and will result in a decent amount of rewards that will help you with the further game progression. And you can get all of these rewards simply by being in the raid group with a team of our PvE experts. If you want to get more, you can also add other bosses you need to your order, and we’ll be glad to help you complete all the battles you choose.
WoW Rasha’nan Boost Guide
Now you know what is required to get our assistance with Rasha’nan boss fight, what are additional options you can adjust your order with and which rewards you may expect from the service. But to simplify the boosting process even more, we decided to create a small guide on WoW Rasha’nan Boost. It will help new World of Warcraft gamers and those who never used our services easily understand how to achieve our help with the boss problem. The list below will show all steps you need to take to order the boss-killing service.
- First you must find the World of Warcraft Boosting category, so visit our website and click the Choose Game button. It will drop down the list of gamers, where you can select WoW.
- In the WoW category go to the Nerub’ar Palace Bosses section and choose Rasha’nan Boost.
- Now you need to decide on the boost specifics, so select the desired difficulty mode, type of character control and other additional options. Various main and additional options affect the final price so you can adjust the order to fit your cost expectations.
- Navigate further to the order page and specify all required for the purchase information.
- Our manager can provide you with all information about the Rasha’nan boss-killing service, such as boost’s timings, conditions, expert team, delivery conditions and other info you might need.
Following this guide you can easily place an order on Rasha’nan service and get professional help. Regardless of the selected difficulty or the number of chosen additional options, the order will be completed in the shortest possible time. Our experts work without using cheats, bugs, exploits and other types of unfair play, following all points of in-game rules and user agreement, so you do not need to worry about the safety of your account and characters. Buying WoW Rasha’nan Boost you are guaranteed the fastest, most efficient and safest service and the best results.