WoW Classic Era Gold

WoW Classic Era Gold

WoW Classic Era Gold
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WoW Classic Era Gold is the in-game currency on World of Warcraft Classic Era servers, which you can purchase on our website at a cheap price. We guarantee fast and secure delivery for every order. The currency is available for purchasing for Alliance and Horde characters on US and EU realms.

Delivery Information

By buying Classic Era Gold on our website, you are guaranteed to receive fast and secure gold delivery on any World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic Era US and US realm. Each gold coin is farmed honestly (without using bots or prohibited farming methods). Therefore, purchasing gold on our site, we guarantee the safety of your account and character protection. Buy gold safely using the following delivery methods:

  • Face-to-face trade – this is the fastest way of currency trading. You need to be online in the game and accept a group invitation from our booster. We recommend putting any unnecessary item to the trade window with our booster when he will trade the gold to you.
  • Mail – this is the most popular way to receive gold orders on Classic Era servers. We will send your order via in-game mail. The delivery speed for this method is 60 minutes from the moment the mail is sent. For orders of 2500 gold or more, we can split the order into several shipments for safety.
  • Auction house trade – we will buy out any of your items from the auction house so you can receive gold on your character. You need to put an item up on the auction house and set the price equal to the amount of gold in your order. Our booster will purchase this item as soon as possible so you can receive the coins quickly (after 1 hour from the moment the item is bought out).
  • Guild bank trade – you need to accept an invitation from our booster and join the guild. We will provide you access to the guild bank so you can withdraw the necessary amount of gold.

Need more gold? No problem! We have a huge stock on each Classic Era server. On our website, you can purchase more gold at an affordable price with a maximum discount of 15%! This discount scales with discount coupons at checkout.

What WoW Classic Era Servers Can I buy gold on?

On our website, you can buy gold on all classic servers. The service is available for Horde and Alliance characters. The average gold delivery speed is 34 minutes (face-to-face trade). Here is the list of Classic Era WoW servers where we have the largest stock:

  • Whitemane
  • Mankrik
  • Thunderfury
  • Fairbanks
  • Bigglesworth
  • Anathema
  • Arcanite Reaper
  • Westfall
  • Pagle
  • Windseeker
  • Ashkandi
  • Smolderweb

Delivery on low-population servers may take longer than on more populated ones. However, we guarantee the delivery of each order as quickly and fully as possible.

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