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Vexie and the Geargrinders

Vexie and the Geargrinders
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Vexie and the Geargrinders is the first boss of the Liberation of Undermine raid which was added to World of Warcraft in patch 11.1 of The War Within expansion. Our boosters treat this place like a personal playground—after all, clearing it faster than a Goblin flips a gold coin is what we do best. Vexie tests even seasoned raiders with ridiculous shields, chaotic adds, and enough pesky mechanics to make a Gnome’s head spin. We break through Vexie’s plating, trash her mechanical minions, and steer the group to victory without wiping more than a freshly geared Paladin trying to solo old content.

Buy Vexie and the Geargrinders Kill Boost in World of Warcraft

Buy Vexie and the Geargrinders Kill Boost in World of Warcraft and you’ll get a fast and easy kill. We deliver like a Dark Iron Dwarf delivering a well-placed hammer—our crew blasts through the fight! We position, we deal with DPS thresholds, and we flatten the boss in no time. If you want more than a single boss kill, we’ve got an 8/8 full run package which covers every boss in Liberation of Undermine. One run, big loot, done deal—no 3 a.m. frustration, no dreaded “pug meltdown” in chat.


A Vexie and the Geargrinders kill puts shiny new WoW gear in your bags. We never leave a boss empty-handed, so check out the freebies:

  • Normal (iLvl 636): Comes with 10 Carved Crests.
  • Heroic (iLvl 649): Includes 10 Runed Crests.
  • Mythic (iLvl 662): Grants 10 Gilded Crests.
  • Raid Achievements: Progress toward those sweet raid achievements.
  • Special Item Drops: Unique weapons, armor, and trinkets that’ll make your guildmates green with envy.

Our Boosting runs guarantee you see the gear drop right before your eyes—no more praying to RNGesus and leaving empty-handed. You score loot, you get WoW achievements, and you skip the hours of headache that come with pugs who can’t stay out of AoE.


You might worry about gear and quest unlocks, but don’t sweat it. Our Boosting Team covers every angle, so even if you’re running around with an item level that belongs in the last World of Warcraft expansion’s bargain bin, we’ll carry you through. Minimal requirements are:

  • Character Level: 80
  • The War Within expansion
  • Active WoW Subscription

We breeze past the typical roadblocks. If you’re undergeared, we still get you through the fight. Our goal is to make sure you enjoy endgame WoW content without blowing your entire week perfecting your DPS rotation or begging the Auction House for upgrades.

Boosting Options

ChaosBoost keeps it simple with a variety of ways to customize your WoW experience. Here are the options available with the Vexie and the Geargrinders boost:

  • Selfplay: Tag along and enjoy the thrill of the fight.
  • Piloted: Let our boosters do their thing while you grab a snack.
  • Difficulty Selection: Normal, Heroic, or Mythic. You tell us what you want.
  • Single Boss Kill: Perfect if you only need Vexie’s loot.
  • Full Run (8/8 Bosses): Clears the entire raid for maximum gear and achievements.

We never waste your time. We deal with mechanics, dish out pro tips, and carry you through the chaos so you can bask in the glory of shiny new gear in World of Warcraft. If you’re looking for a single boss takedown or a comprehensive 8/8 run, Boosters eliminate the grind and put your character on top of the DPS charts.

Vexie and the Geargrinders Trinkets

World of Warcraft boosters at ChaosBoost have kept a close eye on Vexie and her band of mechanical masterminds. They’ve churned out some downright bombastic gadgets this season, and we’ve seen firsthand how these trinkets can skyrocket your performance in the Liberation of Undermine. Each piece shines with that signature gnome engineering flair—equal parts chaotic firepower and madcap fun. We’ve put them to the test in everything from sweaty late-night raid runs to high-stakes Mythic+ keys, and they never fail to deliver.

Vexie’s Pit Whistle

Our WoW boosting team sees this trinket as the perfect “hold my cheese” moment when you want to keep aggro and dish out some serious heat.


  • Item Level 623
  • +3,108 [Agility or Strength]

Use: Summons Pitbot Geardo (5 seconds), turning nearby baddies into grease-slicked magnets for your threat. In true gnome fashion, Geardo blows up in a fiery exit and inflicts 582,636 Fire damage split among surrounding foes, beefed up by 15% if they’re still dripping with oil. (500ms cooldown, 1 Min 30 Sec Cooldown)

We’ve watched fellow tanks survive boss fights in WoW by a hair’s breadth, thanks to Geardo taking the blame for those questionable pulls. Grab this whistle if you like a little gnomish mayhem in your rotation.

Geargrinder’s Spare Keys

This one’s pure gold for World of Warcraft players who love big damage moments. Imagine your friends’ reactions when they see your trike zipping across the battlefield, then exploding in a blaze of glory. We’ve joked about it being the gnome equivalent of “Leeroy Jenkins,” because it shows up fast and hits like a wrecking ball. ChaosBoost testers confirm: it deals monstrous AoE in both boss encounters and those tricky trash pulls you never want to deal with twice.


  • Item Level 623
  • +3,108 [Agility or Strength or Intellect]

Use: Sends out a Geargrinder trike for one last glorious ride, causing 1,320,420 Fire damage split among any enemies caught in its collision path. (2 Min Cooldown)

These items ooze mechanical charm and remind your enemies they just messed with the wrong workshop. Power up your Season 2 runs of The War Within with these custom-engineered contraptions and prove that you can out-tinker anyone on the server. Jump into the Liberation of Undermine in World of Warcraft with professional boosters and walk away sporting Vexie’s hand-crafted wonders—because sometimes, the best solutions to Azeroth’s problems involve a little gnome ingenuity…and a lot of fiery explosions.

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