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Tome of Insight

Tome of Insight
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Tome of Insight is a consumable item in Albion Online that instantly grants the player a specific amount of combat PvE fame (from 1000 to 200k) upon use. By buying Albion Online Tome of Insights boost from ChaosBoost, you can skip hours of grinding and get rewards fast and safe. This service is perfect for players who want to buy Tomes of Insight to speed up their progress – whether you’re looking to unlock higher tier weapons and armor, max out combat specializations or just catch up to veteran players. Our boosters will farm for you while you enjoy the end-game content without the mob farming.


When you order this boosting service, you’ll receive:

  • Bulk Tomes of Insight: A large amount of Tomes of Insight will be farmed and delivered to your character (in the form of tradeable Adept’s Tomes, each giving 10,000 combat Fame). You can consume these whenever you want for instant fame gain.
  • Massive Combat Fame Gain: Each one gives a big chunk of combat fame to whatever combat gear you have equipped. This means you’ll level up your weapon mastery and armor specializations fast, unlock new skills and higher tier gear without farming.
  • Faster Leveling & Progression: With all the fame you get you can meet the requirements for high tier content much sooner. Gear that takes weeks to farm can be available in days or even hours. You can skip farming mobs and jump straight into PvP, high level dungeons or other content you’ve been waiting for.
  • Extra Loot & Silver: If our boosters play your character to farm dungeon runs, any loot, silver or extra resources gathered during the boost will stay on your account. You’ll keep the items or currency gathered.
  • Achievement of Milestones: Using many Tomes of Insight can help you reach in-game milestones (like maxing a weapon’s specialization or reaching certain Fame thresholds) much faster. This will make your character much more powerful and versatile in a short time.

With these rewards, your character will level up fast. All fame and items are farmed in-game by our team so you can enjoy the results worry free. Instead of spending weeks farming fame you’ll have a stockpile of fame ready to use and jump straight into the fun parts of Albion Online.


Our Albion Online Tome of Insights boost has flexible options so you can customize the service to your needs. Whether you want a small boost or a huge stockpile of tomes we have you covered:

  • Tome Quantity Packages: Choose the amount of Tomes of Insight you want to buy.
  • Piloted (Account Share): Our experienced booster will log into your Albion Online account and farm for you.
  • Self-Play Boost: If you don’t want to share your account you can opt for self-play. In this mode you will play your own character and join our booster in-game.
  • Express Delivery: We offer express option for urgent orders. Selecting express means your order will be done first in our queue.

These options make the Tome of Insight boost very flexible. You can customize the service to your playstyle and schedule. No matter what you choose, ChaosBoost will make sure the service is smooth and aligned to your preferences.


Before buying the Albion Online Tome of Insights boost please make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Active Albion Online Account: You must have an active Albion Online account with a character ready for the boost.
  • Tier 4 (Adept) Unlocked: Your character should be at least Tier 4 (Adept) or above in combat progression. Tier 4 unlock is important because Adept’s Tomes of Insight can only be used by characters who have reached the Adept tier.
  • No Active Login During Boost (Piloted Option): If you choose the piloted service, you will need to not log into your account while our booster is working. This prevents any account conflicts while ChaosBoost players are farming.

If you meet these requirements the Tome of Insight boost will go smoothly and you’ll be enjoying your new fame and levels in no time. If you have any questions feel free to contact our support and we’ll help you out.

How to farm Tomes of Insight in Albion Online

If you want to farm Tomes of Insight yourself Albion Online offers several ways to do so. Keep in mind that they are a rare drop so farming can take a lot of time. Here are some common ways to farm Tomes of Insight and tips to improve your efficiency:

  • Open-World Mob Farming: Any mob in Albion Online’s open world has a chance to drop a Tome of Insight when killed. This includes solo mobs in the yellow zones to tougher enemies in red and black zones. However the drop rate is very low (around 0.1% per kill, though it can vary), so you may need to kill hundreds or even thousands of mobs to see a Tome drop.
  • Roaming Bosses and Elite Mobs: In the open world you’ll sometimes encounter roaming mob bosses or elite enemies. These tougher foes are designed for group play or well-geared solo players, but they come with better loot tables. Roaming bosses have a much higher chance to drop Tomes of Insight compared to normal mobs.
  • Solo Dungeons: Running solo randomized dungeons is another way to farm Tomes. These dungeons contain many mobs and treasure chests. Tomes of Insight can drop from the mobs inside and especially from the chests at the end of each dungeon.
  • Group Dungeons and Raids: Group content like group dungeons and raids can yield Tomes of Insight at a higher rate since you’ll be killing more creatures and bosses.
  • Faction Warfare and Chests: Participating in activities like Faction Warfare or hunting treasure chests in the open world can also provide tomes occasionally.
  • Market Purchase (Silver to Fame): Lastly one “farming” method that skips gameplay is buying Tomes of Insight from other players via the in-game Marketplace. Adept’s Tomes of Insight (the tradeable kind) are often bought and sold for silver.

Farming yourself is doable and can be fun if you enjoy the process, but it requires a lot of time and some luck due to the low drop rates. On average you might only see a few tomes after many hours of PvE grinding. ChaosBoost service guarantees rewards without the uncertainty and effort, so you can enjoy the benefits immediately.


Here you can find more information about our boosting service in Albion Online. If you have more questions contact the ChaosBoost support team, we’re online 24/7!

What is a Tome of Insight in Albion Online and why should I buy one?

A Tome of Insight is a special consumable item in Albion Online that gives combat fame (experience points) to your character. Buying a Tome of Insights boost means you get a big quantity of these fast, without farming mobs for days. It’s a great way to level up your combat stats, unlock new gear tiers and save time if you want to progress faster or catch up with more advanced players.

How long will the Tome of Insight boost take to complete?

The duration depends on the quantity of Tomes of Insight you order and the options you choose. Small orders can be done within a few hours on the same day of purchase. If you select Express Delivery we will prioritize your order to shorten the completion time as much as possible.

Do I need Premium for this service?

No, you don’t need to have Premium status or any specific gear to use the Tome of Insight boost. Premium status in Albion Online doesn’t increase the fame gained (they give a fixed amount of fame regardless of premium), so non-premium players will get the same benefit from each tome.

What if I want to boost a specific weapon or skill line?

No problem at all! Tomes of Insight give combat fame which goes into the skill masteries of the gear you’re wearing. If you have a specific weapon or armor piece you want to level up, just let us know.

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