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The Division 2 Expertise Leveling

The Division 2 Expertise Leveling
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The Division 2 Expertise Leveling is an in-game service that helps you boost your endgame progression where agents increase their Expertise by gaining Proficiency Ranks on a wide array of weapons, gear and skills. By using each item in combat or donating resources to reach Proficient status (max rank 10) on that item you increase your overall Expertise Level which in turn allows you to upgrade your gear’s base stats (like weapon damage or armor) beyond their normal limits. Grinding those ranks across dozens of items is a huge task – that’s where ChaosBoost’s Expertise Leveling service comes in to do the hard work for you so you can enjoy a supercharged Division 2 agent without the grind.


Unlocks higher Expertise Levels comes with plenty of in-game rewards that will supercharge your Division 2 experience. Here’s what you get by reaching Expertise Level 26 (and how our boost will help you get there):

  • Max Gear Performance: Every Expertise Level lets you increase your gear’s base stats. At level 26 that means +26% weapon damage, armor and skill efficiency on your favorite build. Your Assault Rifle will hit harder, your armor will be stronger and even your skills will get a boost – it’s like your entire build went from hero to superhero. Even Legendary missions will feel easier with that kind of power.
  • All Loot & Materials Kept: During the leveling process our boosters will farm tons of activities to raise your proficiency – meaning you’ll get a ton of loot, gear and crafting materials. All weapons, gear pieces, exotics and resources collected while leveling up your Expertise will stay on your account. It’s like a bonus treasure chest on top of the stat boosts.
  • Bragging Rights: Let’s face it – achieving Expertise Level 26 is a badge of honor. You’ll stand out in any raid or mission lobby with your maxed out gear – other agents will even joke you made a deal with the Quartermaster for that kind of power. Having max Expertise clearly shows you’re an agent who means business.Our Division 2 Expertise Leveling service doesn’t just max out a number – it turns your agent into a battle-ready machine and leaves you with a ton of rewards.

Our Division 2 Expertise Leveling service doesn’t just max out a number – it transforms your agent into a battle-ready powerhouse and leaves you swimming in rewards.


We have a simple boosting option to reach your desired Expertise Rank. We do all Division 2 Expertise Leveling in Piloted mode, that means a pro booster will play on your account to level up your gear expertise for you. You can choose any Expertise Level from 1 up to 26 (max):

Play Method Expertise Levels
Piloted (Account Share) 1-26 (choose your target level)

Our experienced Division 2 agents will log in and farm the necessary activities to get you to your chosen Expertise Level. (Self-play isn’t possible for expertise boosts – someone has to do all that donating and farming, and our experts are happy to do it for you.) Just pick how far you want to go and we’ll do it.

Expertise Level Event in The Division 2

Introduced in Title Update 15 the Expertise system became a game-changer for endgame agents. They even have double Expertise XP events on some weekends where agents can earn proficiency points twice as fast – a clear sign they know we all love extra progression.

Currently the maximum Expertise Level is 26. Every time they raise the cap agents go into a mini race to hit the new max (less confetti but still an in-game festival of grinding). Hitting that top rank whether during an event or through regular play is a big accomplishment. If you don’t want to wait for the next double-XP weekend (or spend every free hour farming) ChaosBoost can make any day feel like an Expertise event for your agent!

Reasons to Buy Expertise Level Boost

Raising your Expertise Level is grindy because The Division 2 wants you to become Proficient with almost all weapons, gear and skills. That means hundreds of hours of missions or donating mountains of resources just to get dozens of items to Proficiency Rank 10. Getting a single weapon maxed out might require multiple mission replays or dumping a pile of duplicate guns – now multiply that by your entire arsenal! It’s no wonder many agents hit a wall of fatigue, going from excitement at a new upgrade to groaning when they have to level yet another kneepad or pistol.

It’s a huge test of patience and time that not everyone can (or wants to) endure.That’s why outsource this grind to ChaosBoost and feel like a lifesaver. Instead of spending your gaming time on the expertise XP treadmill, let our team do the heavy lifting. Our boosters know the fastest ways to farm proficiency – from Control Point alert level 4 farms and Countdown boss runs to smart resource donation strategies. We do the boring stuff in the background so you can log in later and enjoy the fun part: playing your fully powered agent on the highest difficulty.

Why Choose ChaosBoost for Expertise Leveling

ChaosBoost prides itself on delivering top tier service to every customer. Here’s why agents choose us for Expertise Leveling in The Division 2:

  • Division Agents: Our boosters aren’t random players – they’re Division 2 veterans who know every mission, loot cave and farming route. They’ve maxed out their own expertise and helped countless others do the same so they know exactly the fastest (and safest) way to grind those proficiency ranks.
  • Safety & Privacy: We treat your account like it’s our own. Our boosters complete every order by hand, no third-party software. We also use a VPN in your region and never talk to your friends or clan while on your account. Your agent’s rep stays intact – except for being suddenly much stronger, which we consider a good thing!
  • Constant Updates: Communication is key – we keep you updated from start to finish and we’re available 24/7 for any questions or status updates.
  • Satisfaction Guaranteed: Your satisfaction is our priority and you’ll get exactly what you paid for – the extra loot to the upgraded gear. If anything comes up during the order our support team is always ready to assist.Choose ChaosBoost and get a stress-free, efficient and fun way to max out your Division 2 agent. We do the grind, you get the rewards. With your new Expertise Level 26 you’ll be ready for anything D.C. or N.Y.C. throws at you – and you won’t have to kill 5,000 Cleaners to get there, win-win for any Division agent.

Choosing ChaosBoost means choosing a hassle-free, effective, and fun path to maxing out your Division 2 agent. We do the grinding, you get the glory. With your newly attained Expertise Level 26, you’ll be ready to take on anything D.C. or New York City can throw at you – and you can smile knowing you didn’t have to slay 5,000 Cleaners to get there, a true win-win for any Division agent.


Got questions about our Expertise Leveling boost? Here are some common questions and answers to put your mind at ease:

How does The Division 2 Expertise Leveling service work?

Our booster will log into your account (Piloted mode) and farm activities (missions, control points, etc.) to earn Proficiency on a wide range of your gear and weapons. By leveling up enough items your overall Expertise Level will increase. We’ll keep you updated on the progress and when it’s done you can jump back in and enjoy your now much more powerful agent.

Is this boosting service safe and will my account be secure?

Yes. We take account safety seriously. All boosting is done 100% manually (no cheats, hacks or bots), and we use a VPN to log in from your region. We won’t dismantle or delete any of your gear without permission. Your agent is in good hands with ChaosBoost.

What are the requirements to order an Expertise Leveling boost?

You need Warlords of New York expansion and level 40 character (Expertise unlocks in the endgame). It’s fine if you’re low on materials – our team will farm whatever is needed during the boost. Just make sure your character can access both D.C. and NYC areas and we’ll take care of the rest.

How long does it take to reach max Expertise Level?

Time frame depends on your current and target level. A small boost of a few levels takes a day or two, while from 1-26 might take about a week of intensive play. We’ll give you an estimated completion time when you order and our boosters work as fast as possible without compromising safety.

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