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Tarkov Woods Raid Boost

Tarkov Woods Raid Boost
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Escape From Tarkov Woods Raid Boost is a service that carries players through the Woods map raid and helps them extract safely with maximum loot. In this 40-minute raid​ our professional EFT boosters guide you across dense forests and open fields, killing Scavs and even bosses so you survive the run. The Woods map is known for long range combat and hidden threats, with up to 14 PMC players in a raid and deadly AI enemies like Shturman and even roaming rogue bosses​.


Get high tier gear and complete objectives without the usual risk and frustration. Using the Woods Raid Boost gives you:

  • High Tier Loot: Keep all the weapons, armor and rare items found during the Woods raid. A successful run can give you up to 1,000,000₽ worth of gear and loot, our booster will hit every valuable spawn.
  • Boss Trophies: Chance to kill Woods’ bosses like Shturman (and even the rogue boss trio or Cultists at night) and loot their exclusive items. If a boss spawns our booster will take him down so you can get Shturman’s key or the Red Rebel ice pick​.
  • Experience Gain: Gain a lot of PMC XP and skill progression by surviving and killing enemies in the raid. Each boosted raid will level up your character, skill stats and overall PMC progress (strength, endurance etc.) without the grind.
  • Quest Progression: Optionally complete Woods specific quests during the run. Our booster can help you with tasks like finding Jaeger’s message or marking ritual spots so you can progress your questlines if the opportunity arises in-raid.
  • Roubles (rubles) & Items: All cash, rouble stacks and valuable barter items found are yours to keep. You’ll end the raid richer with many barter goods and sellable items to fund your future Tarkov runs.

These rewards make each Woods raid boost very profitable. In short you’ll come out of the raid wealthier, more experienced and one step closer to your Tarkov goals, all without the risk of losing gear.


We have flexible options to fit the Woods raid boost to your needs:

  • Self-Play or Piloted: Choose Self-Play to play your own PMC alongside our booster (no account sharing needed), or Piloted to let our pro handle your account.
  • Number of Raids: Select the number of Woods raids you want. Whether you need a single Woods run for a specific item or multiple consecutive raids to farm loot, you can book as many runs as you desire.
  • Specific Objectives: Let us know if you have any specific goals in Woods (for example, hunting a certain item or completing a quest).
  • Express Delivery: With the express option, your Woods raid boost will be started ASAP with priority. This means the fastest delivery, ideal if you’re on a tight schedule or want the raid done at a specific time.

All this ensures the boost fits your playstyle and schedule. You’re in control – from how you want the raid done to when it happens – making the service convenient and personalized.


Our Woods Raid Boost has only a few simple requirements to get started:

  • Escape From Tarkov Account: You must own Escape From Tarkov on PC and have an active account. Any edition (Standard, Left Behind, etc.) is fine.
  • PMC Character: You need a PMC character ready to raid. If you choose self-play, make sure your PMC is fully healed (no critical injuries) before the boost.
  • Basic Game Progress: No specific level or task requirements for Woods; this map is unlocked from the start for all players. It’s helpful if you have the initial Jaeger introduction quest unlocked (available at level 2) since it’s completed on Woods, but it’s not mandatory for the boost.
  • Account Security: If you choose piloted service, you’ll need to provide your account login. We may ask for a verification code when our booster logs in (EFT uses two-factor email codes on new devices).

Apart from the above, nothing else is required. No special gear or knowledge of the Woods map is needed – we bring the expertise and can supply gear.

Woods Bunkers

The Woods map has a few bunkers underground that serve as extract and quest locations. These bunkers – basically fortified hideouts built into the terrain – can be both a blessing and a curse. On one hand they extract points and cover; on the other hand they attract players (and bosses) and often require special items to use. Let’s look at the bunkers on Woods and what they mean for your raid:

  • ZB-014 Bunker: A hidden bunker on the eastern side of Woods, marked by a metal door in a hillside. This is a PMC extract point that requires the ZB-014 key to open.
  • ZB-016 Bunker: An underground exit in the southwest part of Woods. This one does not require a key, but is not always open. Look for a green smoke signal outside the door to know if the extract is available.
  • Scav Bunker (Northwest): In the northwestern part of Woods there’s a large bunker compound often called the “Scav bunker”. This area, marked by a tall radio tower and military camp, is an extract point for Scavs.

In summary, bunkers are key on Woods. They are tied to several quests (e.g. The Survivalist Path – Thrifty requires you to stash supplies in ZB-014 and ZB-016) and provide extra extract points. During a Woods Raid Boost you don’t have to worry about which bunker needs a key or which one has smoke – our booster will handle all that.

EFT Woods Extracts

The Woods map in Escape From Tarkov has multiple extract points around its edges. Each extract has specific conditions – some are always open, others require items, payments or cooperation. Below are the main Woods extracts for PMCs and their requirements:

  • Outskirts: A large extract on one side of the Woods map (often opposite your spawn side). No special requirements – it’s always open for extracting.
  • UN Roadblock: A permanent PMC extract on the other side of the map from Outskirts. It’s marked by a United Nations checkpoint with concrete walls. No key or items required, just reach the checkpoint area to extract.
  • RUAF Roadblock: A conditional PMC extract in the northwest part of Woods, near the water. The RUAF exit requires a signal: it’s only usable if a green flare is burning on a barrel at the roadblock. If you approach and the barrel isn’t lit, it means this extract is closed for that raid.
  • ZB-014: As above, this is an underground bunker extract on the east side. Requires the ZB-014 key to open the bunker door and it must be active (green flare lit inside).
  • ZB-016: The second bunker extract (southwest). No key required, but it opens randomly (look for green smoke by the hatch).
  • Factory Gate (PMC-Scav Co-op): A special extract on Woods that requires two people: one PMC (you) and one player Scav. It’s basically a “friendly cooperation” extract.
  • Cliff Descent: An extract introduced with Woods expansion, located at the cliff area on the map’s edge. This is a special extraction that requires a Red Rebel ice pick equipped in your melee slot (and you must not be wearing an armored vest).
  • Bridge V-Ex (Vehicle Extract): A one-time use vehicle extract on Woods. There’s a crashed or disabled vehicle (often a white SUV or a truck) near the bridge on the south road, and if it’s available that raid, you can pay 5000₽ to extract with it.

Those are the main PMC extracts. There are also a couple of Scav-only extracts (like Scav House and Scav Bunker for player Scavs), but if you’re playing your PMC, those won’t apply. During your Woods Raid Boost, our booster will always guide you to the best extract based on where we spawn and how the raid goes.

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