Tarkov Ground Zero Raid Boost

Escape From Tarkov Ground Zero Raid Boost is a carry service that assists players in killing Kollontay, completing quests, and extracting loot worth 100,000+. The Ground Zero map shows that Escape From Tarkov is not a game that is known for being kind. With endless SCAV hordes, dangerous open streets, and a boss who doesn’t know what “fair fight” means, this raid is the ultimate test by fire. Are you sick of sneaky scavs one-tapping you or Nikita’s anger every time you spawn? Our Ground Zero Raid Boost service will save you. We put you in touch with experienced Tarkov players who know every inch of Ground Zero. As a result? You make it through the raid, get the loot, and finish your quests without any of the normal blood and sweat. We’ve got your back (and your safe container), whether you’re a new player having trouble with the starter quests or a seasoned player wanting to speed-run this dangerous map. Get ready, because our boost will turn Ground Zero from a nightmare into your PMC’s favorite loot run!
Even though Ground Zero is harsh, the benefits are well worth it. When you use our Escape From Tarkov Ground Zero boost, you get the following:
- High-Value Loot Haul: Our boosters will give you lots of money. Every run, you can expect to get more than 100,000 Roubles (rubles) worth of loot, such as rare guns, armor, and tech items.
- Quest Completions: Leave the work behind! Those annoying Ground Zero quests will be finished during the raid. You’ll have finished jobs and collected items for quests when you get out, which will quickly boost your trader reputation and let you get new gear.
- Boss & Bonus Loot: Our team will kill Kollontay, the Ground Zero scav boss, if he shows up. You can brag about “soloing” a Tarkov boss and get the boss loot.
- Experience & Skills: Every kill, find, and stay alive gives your PMC a lot of skill and experience points. You’ll probably level up faster with our boost because you won’t have to worry about dying in the middle of a raid, so you’ll keep all of your XP.
To sum it up, if you finish a Ground Zero run, you’ll be richer, stronger, and ready for the next raid. In Tarkov, this is the boost you need to go from gear fear to gear wealth.
You can choose from different Ground Zero raid boost choices based on how you play and what you need. Pick what works best for you and let us handle the rest:
- Self-Play or Piloted: You can choose Self-Play to run with our pro, or you can choose Piloted, in which case our qualified Tarkov expert will log into your account and do the raid for you.
- Number of Runs: You can choose how many Ground Zero runs you want. Do one raid or make five or more runs to finish that quest.
- Quest Focus: Are you stuck on a certain quest? We can change the boost to meet specific goals. Our team will focus on your goals so you can finish all of your quests at once, whether it’s marking a spot, getting an item, or using that tricky vehicle extract.
- Express & Priority: Need to get ready quickly? We’ve got you covered. When you choose Express, we give your order top priority.
You can change your Ground Zero boost to fit your needs. We take a personalized approach, so we can change based on your needs, whether you want a quiet loot run, a full-on battle tour, or a sprint to finish a quest.
People who are new to Escape From Tarkov Ground Zero will find our boost helpful and simple to use. Before we go into the raid, just make sure you meet these simple requirements:
- Escape From Tarkov Account: You have to have the game and the Ground Zero map. They can be any version.
- Full Health & Gear (for Self-Play): If you’re going to join the raid (self-play), make sure your PMC is fully fixed. They shouldn’t have blacked-out legs or heavy bleeding.
- 5000₽ for Car Extract (Optional): For the armored car extract in one of the quests, Burning Rubber, you must pay 5000 Rouble (Rubles). Have 5000₽ ready in your PMC’s supplies if you’re going to do that job.
That’s it! There aren’t any hard standards or big gear checks. Anyone can book a Ground Zero raid boost because we keep things easy.
Escape From Tarkov Ground Zero Quests
In Escape From Tarkov, the Ground Zero raid is more than just a place to stay alive. It’s also where a number of important quests take place. Traders will often give you these jobs as your first task when you start the game. These are the famous Ground Zero quests you’ll face, and our boost can make it easy for you to complete all of them:
- “Shooting Cans” (Prapor’s Quest): On the Ground Zero map, find the Utyos machine gun and the AGS grenade launcher. Then, kill 5 enemies in the area.
- “First in Line” (Therapist’s Quest): You need to locate the Emercom medical station on Ground Zero and hand over 3 found-in-raid medical items (such as Salewa kits).
- “Saving the Mole” (Mechanic’s Quest): Mechanic sends you to Ground Zero to look into a USEC PMC group that is meeting in the TerraGroup complex’s basement parking lot. You have to find a dead “mole,” which is a spy, and often get something back, like a hard drive with private information on it.
- “Burning Rubber” (Skier’s Quest): All you have to do is use the paid car extraction on Ground Zero once.
These are just the first quests that have to do with Ground Zero. There are more to come, such as jobs that need to be done for the prestigious Kappa container. Doing these with an extra boost will help you do well in Tarkov. Never again hit your head against the wall over “impossible” missions; we make them doable.
EFT Ground Zero Extraction Points
As hard as it is to stay alive at Ground Zero, one of the hardest things is figuring out how to get out. This map has many extraction points, and each one has its own rules or changes. Here is a list of Ground Zero’s exit points and what they do:
- Emercom Checkpoint: The simplest extract on Ground Zero. All groups, including PCC and Scav, can use it, and it’s always open. When you get to the stop area, you’re out.
- Mira Avenue (Green Flare Extract): A PMC-only capture that needs a little extra flare. You have to be in a certain broadcast area and shoot a green flare into the sky in order to use Mira Ave.
- Nakatani Basement Stairs: A less well-known extract that anyone can use. You got it, this one is hidden in a basement. To be exact, the basement of the Nakatani building.
- Police Cordon V-Ex (Car Extract): This is a famous armed van extract that was part of Skier’s quest. It costs 5000₽ per player and can only be used once per raid by a PMC. The PMC can hold up to 4 people before it goes off.
- Scav Checkpoint (Co-Op Extract): One PMC and one Scav must work together to extract this.
- Tartowers Sales Office: Ground Zero resembles a miniquest within the raid. You need to get the “Note with code word – Adaptation” item during that raid in order to use the Tartowers Sales Office exit. The note appears somewhere on the map, usually in a locked office or the pocket of a scavenger. You can extract it from the Sales Office once you have it.
There is also a special transit place in Ground Zero that leads to the Streets of Tarkov map if you run there in the first minute of the raid. Our goal is for you to safely get out through one of the above major extraction points. In Escape From Tarkov, knowing something gives you power. We know all of the Ground Zero extracts inside and out, so you’ll never get stuck.
Do you want to know more about how our Ground Zero boost in Escape From Tarkov works? We know the answers. Take a deep breath and read these common questions and their full answers to calm down:
What if my PMC dies during the boosted raid?
No matter what, if you die during the boost, the raid is NOT over. Our main goal is to provide the full service that was guaranteed. That means that if you die during the raid, we restart it and try again until you can safely extract your loot. There is no added cost or bother.
Do I get to keep the loot and quest rewards?
Of course! You get to keep everything we get during the Ground Zero boost. It doesn't matter what kind of loot you get; it all ends up in your stash when the raid is over.
Is using a boost service safe?
We care a lot about safety and honesty. We don't use any cheats, hacks, or exploits to give you an extra boost in the Ground Zero raid. It's like having a friend who is really good at the game carry you around, which is fine by the rules. We've done a lot of Tarkov boosts and have never been warned or banned. Piloted boosts let us use a VPN that matches your location to make it look like you're logging in as normal. This way, there won't be any strange logins from around the world on your account.