WoW Shadowed Swarmite Mount Boost

WoW Shadowed Swarmite Boost is the easiest way to obtain a new mount from The War Within expansion by hiring a professional team of players to help you complete the Glory of the Nerub-ar Raider achievement. This mount is a new nerubian bug we get to ride as a reward for this difficult task. There are only a few transports with a similar model, but none of them has such a unique design and detalization as this one. The main condition to get it is completing 8 different achievements within the new raid. Our WoW boosters are the ones who can easily finish all of them without dozens of tries, and let you enjoy the main reward: the Shadowed Swarmite mount.
The main problem of completing those achievements is that they are very specific to each boss and it’s very easy to fail. WoW gamers have to keep the conditions in mind while surviving the bosses’ attacks and killing them afterwards. One mistake costs a lot – if you kill a boss while the criteria is not met, you’ll have to do it again next week. Since our boosters can kill any of those bosses with their eyes closed, finishing the tasks is easy for them. By buying our boost you can get the Shadowed Swarmite mount just in 1 run!
Shadowed Swarmite Boost is mostly done as a self play carry. That means that you control your character by yourself while being in a team with the boosters. You don’t have to perform at all, it is only important to hit all the bosses just once in order for the kill to be counted. Besides that, there are only a few conditions:
- A character of the maximum 80th level.
- Both monthly subscription and the War Within addon available on the account.
- Your character has to be free of CD in The Nerub’ar Palace raid on the week you want to get a boost.
The most important part of the carry is to follow the instructions of the party leader. It is very easy to mess up the achievement simply by standing in the wrong position. That’s why, during the Shadowed Swarmite boost, the RL will send directions in the chat. For example, they can ask you to jump off a platform in the beginning of the fight, or to take all the gear off. It is very important to do so in order to get the desired Shadowed Swarmite mount just in 1 boosting session.
Since Shadowed Swarmite Boost is tied to raiding, there are many additional rewards beside the mount itself. When you buy this service, you are guaranteed to get it and also other types of rewards. Here is a list of what you can get:
- Shadowed Swarmite mount added to your collection.
- Glory of the Nerub-ar raider achievement.
- 8 of different raid-related achievements.
- A chance to loot 597+ ilvl items.
- A chance to loot the Reins of the Sureki Skyrazor.
As you can see, buying a Shadowed Swarmite boost can result in a lot more than just a mount. You’ll get a smooth and quick carry along with a ton of rewards. You can book a slot anytime with the help of our 24/7 online managers and get unique prizes!