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Season Pass Leveling in Division 2

Season Pass Leveling in Division 2
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The Division 2 Season Pass Leveling is an in-game service that helps you progress faster through seasonal levels by using expert boosters to grind Season XP for you. This service gives Division 2 agents all Season Pass rewards (free and premium tracks) without the time investment normally required. In short, we do the heavy lifting of seasonal progression so you can enjoy the rewards and new content without the grind.


Each Division 2 season comes with exclusive rewards as you level up your Season Pass. By reaching max level (100) in a season you get dozens of valuable items. Here are some of the Season Pass rewards our service will get for you:

  • Exotic Item: Every season has a new Exotic weapon or gear piece at high level (often level 90-100). With our boost you will get this unique item for sure.
  • Named Gear: Seasons have special Named weapons and armor with unique talents. By leveling up to 100 you’ll get all the season’s Named items, and some rare gear (like Coyote’s Mask or Doctor Home rifle from past passes) to your collection.
  • Gear Set Pieces: A new gear set or brand set is added each season. Leveling up gives you pieces of it and maxing out gives you the full set so you can try out the new build options.
  • Caches & Materials: The Season Pass track is filled with caches (gear caches, weapon caches, exotic cache) and resource rewards. By maxing it, you’ll open dozens of caches – high-end loot, extra exotics and plenty of crafting materials (like Optimization Credits) to upgrade your gear.
  • Cosmetics: On the premium track you get exclusive cosmetics – outfits, skins, emotes etc. Our service makes sure you don’t miss any limited-time cosmetic rewards for your agent before the season ends.

All these rewards are seasonal. If you don’t reach level 100 by the end (~3 months) you’ll miss some of these items. Our Season Pass Leveling boost ensures you hit the cap in time so nothing is lost.


We offer flexible options to fit your needs. Whether you want us to play on your account or prefer a carry in co-op, and no matter how many levels you need, ChaosBoost has you covered:

Option Details
Piloted (Account Share) A booster logs into your account to upgrade your Pass for you. This is the fastest option, as our expert can grind XP continuously on your character. We use a VPN and appear offline to keep your account secure while unlocking all rewards.
Self-Play (Carry) You play alongside our booster in co-op. They will carry you through high-XP activities, helping you gain levels extremely fast while you remain in control of your account.
Any Number of Levels Choose as many season levels as you need – from a small +10 boost to a full 1-100 package. Even if the season is almost over, we’ll get you the remaining levels in time. (We can also go beyond 100 if you want extra post-100 reward caches.)

Our Division 2 boosting service is available on PC, Xbox and PlayStation. For self-play we schedule sessions at convenient times for you. For piloted our booster will typically play during your offline hours, so you can log back in to a fully leveled Season Pass.


Make sure you meet these basic requirements before ordering:

  • Warlords of New York: You must own The Division 2’s Warlords of New York expansion. Seasons and the Season Pass are only available if you have this DLC.
  • Level 40 Character: Your agent needs to be 40 (max level) to earn Season XP. (If you’re not 40 yet, consider our leveling boost to reach 40 first.)
  • Season Pass (Premium): The paid Season Pass (costs 1000 Premium Credits, about $10) is needed to unlock the premium reward track. It’s not required to level up, but without it you only get the free rewards. You can purchase it at any time – even after we boost – and you’ll instantly receive all premium items for the levels you’ve achieved.
  • Account Access (Piloted): For piloted boosts, you’ll need to share your Ubisoft login with our booster so they can play your account. We handle your credentials securely and only use them for the service. Having two-factor authentication is fine – we will coordinate with you to get any verification codes at start.
  • No Login During Boost: If you ordered a piloted boost, don’t log into the game until it’s completed (we’ll let you know when it’s done). For self-play boosts, you’ll be playing on your account normally alongside us, so this isn’t an issue.

In summary: confirm these details to avoid any surprises once the boosting starts. Prepare accordingly and make sure your agent is ready for maximum XP gains.

What is the Fastest Way to Get Season Pass XP?

The fastest way to get Season Pass XP in The Division 2 is to grind high-value activities on high difficulty and use every available XP bonus. Here’s a quick comparison of top XP farming methods and their approximate yields:

XP Farming Method Approx XP/Hour Notes
Summit Floor 10 Farm 4–5 million XP/hr Using The Summit floor 10 wave-respawn trick (repeatedly fighting respawning enemies) yields extremely high XP very quickly.
Resource Convoy Loop 2.5–3.5 million XP/hr Running open-world Resource Convoys on Heroic (especially with Directives) is a great XP farm – each convoy can give ~300k XP. By chaining convoys back-to-back, you can gain a few million XP per hour.

These methods require repetitive, high-difficulty grinding. It’s effective but very tedious. Our boosters will handle that grind for you, using the optimal strategies to rack up Season XP as fast as possible – so you don’t have to spend your time on it.

Why Choose ChaosBoost for Season Pass Leveling?

ChaosBoost is dedicated to providing a superior boosting experience for The Division 2. Here’s why our Season Pass Leveling service stands out:

  • Division 2 Experts: Our boosters are experienced Division 2 players with thousands of SHD levels. We know every XP farming trick and optimal strategy, so your boost is handled by true experts.
  • Fast Completion: We finish orders very quickly. A full level 1–100 season boost typically takes just a day or two for us. If you’re short on time before the season ends, we can meet tight deadlines.
  • Great Value: You get top-notch service at a fair price. We offer competitive pricing for the market and even run discounts or bundle deals regularly, so you get more for your buck.
  • Reputation & Trust: Check out our reviews from previous customers. When you order with us, you’re working with a trusted team that gets the job done.

Don’t waste your time on the season grind. Order Gallytech Limited Editionyour Division 2 Season Pass Leveling boost now and let us do the work while you get the benefits. Thousands of agents have saved time and got awesome loot with ChaosBoost – join them and get to Season Rank 100 and beyond!


Here’s a quick intro before we dive into the FAQs. Many players wonder about timelines, security and what happens to their loot. The answers below cover those questions and explain the benefits of our Division 2 boosting.

How long does it take to reach Season level 100?

For an average player it can take weeks of grinding to reach 100. Our professional boosters get you from 1 to 100 in 1–3 days of play. Smaller boosts (10–20) usually take only a few hours of gameplay.

I’m already partway through the Season, can you boost the rest of my levels?

Yes. You’ll tell us your current and target level when you order. We’ll then grind out only the levels you’re missing. None of your existing progress is lost – we just add on top of what you’ve already done, getting you to your desired rank.

Do I keep the loot that drops during the boost?

Yes. Any loot, gear or rewards obtained while we are leveling your character stay on your account. When you log back in you will have all your new Season Pass rewards unlocked, plus any extra gear and materials that dropped along the way. We don’t take or transfer anything – everything is yours to enjoy.

Is your boosting service safe?

Yes, it’s safe. We use only legitimate gameplay (no cheats or bots) and take precautions if we’re playing on your account. For example, our boosters use a VPN to match your location and stay invisible in-game, so it appears as if you’re the one playing. We’ve completed countless boosts with no issues – your account will remain secure and unharmed.

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