Refund Policy – ChaosBoost

To request a refund, contact us via a convenient communication channel or by email – [email protected]

Returns are possible in the following cases:

  • If your order has not been started yet (exception: you booked a slot in a raid for a specific time and did not show up for it. In this case, only 50% of the full order amount will be refunded, since we reserve the boosting team for your order).

A partial (70%) refund is possible if:

  • The order has been started (even if our booster only logged on your account / invited you to the group or if 1% of the order is completed);
  • If the order was completed by 30% or more, the number of the refunded funds is calculated based on the amount of work completed.

Refunds are not possible if:

  • The order has been completed 
  • If certain restrictions are imposed on the account after the order is finished the money will not be returned, because the order has already been completed.

Our team is not responsible for the safety of your account after the service has been provided. By using our services, the client also accepts all risks and agrees to these rules.

Have more questions?

Email – [email protected]

Available daily 24/7


71-75 Shelton Street

Covent Garden
