Pattern: Busy Bee’s Buckle

Pattern: Busy Bee’s Buckle is a WoW in-game recipe that drops from Goldie Baronbottom in the Cinderbrew Meadery dungeon with a 0.36% drop chance. This pattern teaches players how to craft the Busy Bee’s Buckle, Khaz Algar Leatherworking (50) is required. Busy Bee’s Buckle is a mail waist item that boosts agility or intellect, stamina, haste, and mastery. It is also a part of BiS crafted Embrace of the Cinderbee set, which allows players to create and gather Fire Pollen orbs that improve secondary stats.
This pattern allows characters to create a BiS mail waist item in the War Within expansion. It is a great choice for World of Warcraft characters in the War Within expansion for Mythic+ and other PvE activities. You can purchase this and other dungeon rewards on our boosting site.
This pattern fits for classes that use mail gear: hunter (beast mastery, marksmanship, survival), shaman (elemental, enhancement, restoration), and evoker (devastation, preservation, augmentation) because Busy Bee’s Buckle boosts intellect or agility secondary stats.
By buying this service, you’re getting a full Cinderbrew Meadery dungeon run on the personal loot mode in Mythic and higher difficulties (not a guaranteed drop), so your character has chances to loot this and other rewards. You can also use additional service options to increase chances of looting Pattern: Busy Bee’s Buckle from the dungeon.