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Mythic + Heroic Free Raid

Mythic + Heroic Free Raid
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  • Group Loot Runs:
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Mythic + Heroic Free Raid is an ultimate PvE bundle that offers WoW players the best possible way to clear the hardest PvE challenges in World of Warcraft and to get the best gear in The War Within Season 1. Buying this service ensures that you’ll get the selected number of bosses defeated and chosen rewards obtained. Mythic + Heroic Free Raid Bundle potential rewards include 623-639 ilvl gear from Mythic raid and 610-626 ilvl loot from Heroic Group loot run, as well as exclusive Reins of the Ascendant Skyrazor from Mythic Queen Ansurek.

This service has no item-level requirements, and you are not required to know any tactics, have any consumables, or deal DPS or HPS. Our Raid Leader might ask you to stay in one spot during the whole fight or unequip all of your gear and allow the boss to defeat you at the start.

You can be fully AFK during the boss fights, but you still need to follow our guys around, need to be in the boss room during the fight, and need to manually loot the boss for extra rewards like Crests, gold, etc.

Mythic + Heroic Free Raid Bundle Options

Nerub’ar Palace Mythic is available in Self-Played and will become available in Piloted options shortly. Self-played mode means that you want to play on your character yourself. Piloted means you want one of our boosters to log into your account and take control of your character instead. Both modes have no ilvl requirements; however, if you want to record logs from a Piloted mode boost, you’d have to have 620+ ilvl.

We also have 2 different types of run loot-wise:

  • Armor Priority: 16 unsaved boosters with fresh raid ID + 4 customers with different armor types. Players will have no competition for their armor pieces, but off-set parts like weapons, rings, and trinkets will be on a roll among 4 of them. All our boosters will pass on all the loot.
  • Full Prio: An exclusive ViP run where you’ll be the only person in the raid getting all the gear. The remaining 19 boosters will have a fresh raid ID and will pass on everything, meaning that the number of items dropping will be maximized.

This bundle includes Armor Priority or Full Priority Mythic run. The Heroic Free run is set to a group loot by default, but you can also upgrade it to ViP run by checking a “Upgrade my Full Heroic Run to 15 Full Prio” box.

Here’s what item levels of gear you can expect from bosses in Mythic and Heroic Nerub’ar Palace Raid:

Difficulty Boss 1-2 Boss 3-4 Boss 5-6 Boss 7-8
Heroic 610 613-626 616-626 619-626
Mythic 623 626-639 629-639 632-639

Each boss starting from 3rd has a super low chance to drop an extra rare item of increased quality. You’ll have a chance to get your hands on those with our Mythic + Heroic Free Raid boost.


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