Level Badges Boost

Level Badges Boost

Level Badges Boost
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Apex Legends Level Badges Boost is a service helping battle royale gamers with account progression and obtaining trophies for achieving specific levels. There are many different badges in Apex that players can earn for reaching certain levels, but the most famous ones are for reaching hundredths, all the way up to the cap. The hardest one is obviously the level five hundred Badge because to reach it, you must put in a lot of effort and a huge amount of time. In addition to this, to get a high amount of account experience required to gain levels, you need to be effective in every match, and this requires high skill, a good understanding of game mechanics, knowledge of the abilities and capabilities of each character, and, of course, luck. If you lack any of the above, it will be quite hard to reach a desired result and the corresponding Badge, but thanks to our service, you will be able to fix this situation.

We offer Apex Legends players the best solution for achieving any wanted Level Badge, be it for the fiftieth or the five hundredth. Our team will provide you with the best Apex experts to boost your account, level it up to the requested point, and earn the desired Badge. We work fast and effectively, and our security is at the highest possible level. This means that by purchasing Apex Legends Level Badges Boost, you are guaranteed results and the perfect service. Below, you can learn all about Boost’s features, requirements, additional options, and what rewards you will get along with your Badge.


Depending on the current and desired level, the boosting process can vary in both speed and price. Nevertheless, the initial purchasing requirements are the same for each of our customers. We have optimized these criteria in order to make both the purchase by players and the processing of orders on our end easier, which overall speeds up the delivery of your Apex Legends Level Badge. Although the requirements are simple enough, they are mandatory in order to secure the Boosting process. Below, you can see all the requirements you need to meet before purchasing Apex Legends Level Badge service.

  • We provide assistance only to customers who play on official platforms, which means your account must be from Steam or Epic Games. If you play on other platforms that are not supported by Respawn Entertainment, we won’t be able to help you upgrade your account and farm the Badge;
  • The account you will provide for the boost must have no VAC (Valve-Anti-Cheat) or ranked bans and other types of restrictions. The safety of our experts is important, and we won’t work with bad accounts;
  • If you want to pick specific legends for the Boost to get good statistics for them, you must purchase them beforehand. Boosting experts must have access to all chosen Apex characters in the start of the Boost to avoid time delays;

By completing the purchase process, you agree to these criteria, so please verify your Apex account meets them beforehand so that you can help us get the job done quickly and without delay. Thanks to efficient strategies, Apex experts will make the leveling process simple and quick, and you will achieve your Badge several times faster than you would with other services. But still, leveling is not the fastest activity in Apex Legends, which means we will need some time to complete the task. For you, however, it will be only more beneficial if the booster spends more time working on your account because, in this way, you will achieve more rewards.


Leveling in Apex Legends is the most basic and simple activity: all you need is just to play the game and earn account experience and rewards. But the further you go, the harder it gets to achieve higher numbers on your Badge. With this Apex Legends service, you can skip the hard part by handing over account control to our expert and receive the trophy you want without any effort. Below, you can see the list of guaranteed and possible rewards for purchasing Apex Legends Level Badges Boost.

  • Level Badge with a requested number on it as the main objective of this service;
  • Legends Tokens and other additional rewards for upgrading;
  • Improvement of your personal statistics, including winning rate and other important indicators;
  • Improvement of specific legend’s statistics, such as game played, winrate, damage done, K/D/A (Kills/Deaths/Assists), and unique character indicators;
  • RP (Ranked Points) achieved during the service for high placement and victories;
  • Possibility of climbing to the higher division and raising the Rank;
  • In-game lootboxes with various unique emotes, skins, voice phrases, and other character improvements;
  • Battle Pass experience and challenges completion, which will reward you with cool items from the current season;
  • Help with smaller challenges, which reward with unique character Badges and cosmetics;

Leveling in Apex is simple but highly beneficial, which means the higher the Badge you order, the better additional benefits you can achieve. Boosting experts will provide good results, such as high placement, good K/D/A statistics, and damage each game, so you can expect rewards corresponding to their effort. To achieve high results, they won’t use cheats, bugs, exploits, and abuse of other game vulnerabilities, so you can be sure about your account safety. In terms of fast order completion, you will not find anyone quicker than our experts to achieve the desired result, and to speed it up even more, you can use additional options, which you can read about below.


Options we provide for Apex Legends Boosts serve the purpose of additional customization of customers’ orders. With these features, you can adjust your Level Badge Boost request to make it faster, cheaper, and more convenient. Such customization affects our work, so choose what you want properly, because during the service, we won’t change the conditions. Below, you can see a list of available additional options for Apex Legends Level Badges Boost:

  • A main option that affects the entire process is the specific Level of the Badge you want. This option affects the price and total time of order completion. Depending on the difference between your current Apex account level and the requested one, as well as your current Rank, we will assign you the most appropriate expert to farm your Badge.
  • First additional option you can expand Apex Level Badges service with is an Express Mode. By choosing the Express option you will be able to achieve our assistance faster, because you won’t be in customers queue. Leveling service is highly popular which means Express mode will significantly speed up your Badge progression.
  • Since Level Badges Boost is not a quick service, it must be important for some of our customers to monitor the expert’s activity. With the Personal Stream option, you will be able to watch the entire process in the private translation on Discord.
  • We also provide you with the possibility to make this service, as well as any other Apex Boost, cheaper with our discount options. If you choose several Boosts within one order or purchase Level Badge assistance as part of the Sale Bundle (when it is available), you will achieve a significant discount (up to 40%).

These additional options are the core of our Apex Legends services, including Level Badges Boost, and they are available to each customer. If you want to adjust the Boost with other features and make the service more individual, you can discuss your wishes with our service managers, and they will explain if it is possible to fit your requests into the process. Depending on the difficulty of the request, the pricing and completion time can change, but Apex experts will guarantee the result anyway. All these features you can select or change within the purchase process, which you can learn about in the next section.

Apex Legends Boosting Level Badges Guide

Apex Legends gameplay is simple, and the services we provide for it are straightforward in their purpose. However, some processes may be unclear to a specific group of customers. If you have never used such types of services or never purchased Apex Boosts on our website, you must be curious about how it works. To clear up any possible misunderstanding about the Level Badges Boost purchasing process, we have prepared a brief guide. To buy the service on our website, follow the step-by-step instructions you can see below.

  • On our website, find the Choose Game button and select the Apex Legends category;
  • Pick the Badge Boosting section and find the Level Badges service;
  • Now you can customize your request using available additional options;
  • To make a purchase, proceed to the checkout tab. There, you must fill all blank fields with required information, such as your contacts in Discord, Email, and payment details;
  • Depending on the distance our experts must grind through and your Rank, we will provide you with the appropriate booster who will complete your request in the most efficient way;
  • If you have any additional questions, you can reach out to our support team, which will provide you with all the necessary information. Support service working 24/7 so you contact our managers and ask them about terms, conditions, average timings and other details of Level Badges service or any other Apex Legends service at any suitable time.

Following this simple list of actions, you will be able to easily receive our help with boosting your Apex Level Badge and achieving all additional rewards. All you need to do is comply with the requirements, select appropriate options for this service, and purchase the Level Badges Boost. After this, our experts will boost your account using the best leveling strategies, the most efficient experience farming methods, the best characters in the current meta, and all their skills and knowledge. By purchasing Level Badges service, you are guaranteed a hundred percent result, a lot of additional rewards, professional service, and the best Apex Legends boosting experience.

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