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Ky’veza’s Cruel Implements – Void Reaper’s Set

Ky'veza's Cruel Implements - Void Reaper's Set
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Ky’veza’s Cruel Implements is a Void Reaper’s set that consists of 2 items (fist weapon and trinket). Both of these items drop in the Nerub’ar Palace raid from Nexus-Princess Ky’veza with a 19,84% drop chance.


Each item separately has its own passive bonuses. But when a player equips Ky’veza’s Cruel Implements, a Void Reaper’s set begins to summon additional phantoms against enemies that are afflicted by Queensbane.

This set is a great choice for World of Warcraft characters in the War Within expansion for Mythic+ and other PvE activities. A full set can boost your damage in dungeons by 13%. You can purchase this and other raid rewards on our boosting site.

By buying this service, you’re getting a full Nerub’ar Palace run on the personal loot mode in Normal, Heroic and Mythic difficulties (not a guaranteed gear), so your character has chances to loot this and other rewards. You can also use additional service options to increase chances of looting Ky’veza’s Cruel Implements from the raid.

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