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Kingbreaker Build

Kingbreaker Build
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Division 2 Kingbreaker Build is a high damage endgame build that melts through enemies and keeps you surprisingly tanky. This build centers around the Kingbreaker assault rifle – a named AR with Perfect Flatline – and synergistic gear talents to amplify your damage. By using the Heartbreaker gear set with Spotter talent (via the Closer named chest) you stack bonus armor and weapon damage when you pulse a target. The result is a build that can kill Legendarys, raid and carry you through the toughest content in The Division 2 with ease. A boosting service helps to get all the necessary gear pieces fast, skipping the grind and delivering a ready to play build in no time.


Our boost service guarantees all the key items and upgrades for the Kingbreaker Build, a fully equipped character ready to play. You get:

  • Kingbreaker Assault Rifle (Named) – The main weapon, with Perfect Flatline (+20% damage to pulsed targets). This AR is the main source of your damage.
  • Heartbreaker Gear Set (4 pieces) – 4 pieces of the Heartbreaker set, with +15% Assault Rifle damage, extra weapon handling and Heartstopper talent. Heartstopper stacks bonus armor and weapon damage when you hit pulsed enemies, increasing your survivability and damage.
  • Closer Chest Piece (Named) – Named chest armor with Perfect Spotter (amplifies damage by +20% to pulsed targets). This piece adds more damage when an enemy is pulsed.
  • Fox’s Prayer Knee Pads (Named) – Named knee pads with +8% Damage to Targets Out of Cover, a multiplicative damage boost to melt enemies faster.
  • Fully Optimized Build – All gear is optimized for high rolls (at least 80%90% of max stats, depending on your choice) and has the recommended mods (Crit Chance/Crit Damage). We also set up the specialization (Technician) for full synergy.* All Loot from the Service – You keep all extra loot that we get during the boost. Any additional gear, weapons, exotics or materials we pick up while farming will stay in your inventory.

In the end you log in and find a complete Kingbreaker Build ready to play – without the grind or RNG.


This boost has a couple of options for you:

  • Piloted (Account Sharing) – Our pro booster logs into your account and farms everything for you. (Piloted is the only option for this service due to the grind involved.) We use secure VPN connections and take every precaution to protect your account during the process.
  • Standard 80% Gear – All gear pieces will have at least 80% of their max stats. This option is faster to complete and still gives you a very strong build.
  • High-End 90% Gear – We farm until each piece has 90%+ (near god-roll) stats. This takes a bit longer but results in an even more powerful, min-maxed build for you.

Self-play is not available for this service.


This section covers what’s required on the account before starting the Kingbreaker Build boost. Make sure to check the following:

  1. Level 40 Character – The build components drop at max level only, so a Level 40 agent is needed.
  2. Warlords of New York Expansion – Many named items and activities relevant to the build are tied to Warlords content.
  3. Unlocked World Tiers – Access to Legendary missions or high-level content is required.
  4. Access to Technician Specialization – The recommended specialization for the Kingbreaker Build. If not unlocked, our booster will get it during the process.

These requirements ensure a smooth and fast path to get the Kingbreaker Build done.

How to Get Kingbreaker Build in The Division 2

To get Kingbreaker Build players must invest a lot of time into high-level activities and rely on RNG to get all the required components. Typically you would need to:

  1. Farm the Kingbreaker assault rifle – This named AR is a random drop from high-level activities. For the best chance, farm missions or Summit floors with Assault Rifle targeted loot, and open named item caches from modes like Countdown. Even then the Kingbreaker’s drop rate is very low (a few percent), so it might take dozens of boss kills to get this weapon.
  2. Get 4 Heartbreaker gear pieces – Heartbreaker set items drop from any activity that yields gear sets. Focus on content with Heartbreaker targeted loot (e.g. specific missions, control points or Summit). You need 4 good pieces, which could take many clears since drops are random and often not perfectly rolled.3. Get the “Closer” chest and Fox’s Prayer kneepads – These two named items only drop from tough enemies or loot containers. You’d have to farm bosses or bounties with Chest and Kneepads targeted loot repeatedly to get them. Both items have low drop rates, so you might farm for days without seeing them.

Even after you have all the parts, you might spend extra time recalibrating and optimizing the gear to max out the stats. All in all, building the Kingbreaker Build will take weeks of grinding.

Best Type of Content for Kingbreaker Build

The Kingbreaker Build shines in PvE content due to its mix of offense and defense. It’s especially good in:

  • Legendary Missions & Strongholds – Take on the toughest missions (Legendary difficulty) much easier. Your high armor lets you survive aggressive waves of enemies and your amplified damage kills elite mobs quickly. Even notorious bullet-sponges become manageable with this build.
  • Raids – In raid encounters this build provides steady, high DPS while keeping you alive through heavy incoming damage. You can focus on burning down bosses and controlling adds without worrying about getting one-shot.
  • Countdown & The Summit – In endgame modes like the 8-player Countdown or the 100-floor Summit this build truly shines. You can farm waves of enemies and hold your ground even when things get crazy. The bonus armor and massive damage lets you complete Countdown objectives faster or push through Summit floors to level 100 with ease.

In short, wherever you need to deal lots of damage while staying alive the Kingbreaker Build is the way to go. It’s one of the most versatile and powerful PvE builds for endgame Division 2 play, even in open-world farming.

Benefits of the Kingbreaker Build

The Kingbreaker Build has many advantages that make it a top choice for any agent:

  • Massive Damage Output: Multiple damage buffs stack together and you melt enemies way faster than average. With all that extra firepower even tough bosses go down quick.
  • High Survivability: This build isn’t a glass cannon. The Heartbreaker set feeds you bonus armor as you hit, on top of your high base armor. You can take a beating and keep on fighting which makes hard content much more forgiving.* Versatility: Solo or grouped, Kingbreaker Build excels in all PvE modes. Farm events, breeze through missions and tackle endgame with ease. No complex rotations or elite reflexes required to get the most out of it.

All this makes Kingbreaker Build a must-have for any agent who wants to own Division 2’s toughest content. Don’t waste your time farming for weeks, get it fast with our boost service. Skip the grind and get geared up now and crush every mission!


Few things about The Division 2 Kingbreaker Build boost:

How does the Kingbreaker Build boosting service work?

After you place your order, we assign a pro Division 2 booster who will play on your account (with your permission) to farm and assemble the entire build. They do everything – farm the Kingbreaker rifle, collect the Heartbreaker set pieces and named items, and optimize the gear’s stats. You get progress updates along the way. Once the build is done, we inform you and you can log back in and play with your new build right away.

Is it safe to share my account for a boost?

Yes. We’ve done hundreds of Division 2 boosts with zero issues. Our team uses proven safe methods, including VPNs to match your location, and we don’t use any cheats or exploits. We play the game on your account legally. Your login info is safe and you can enable two-factor authentication or change your password after the service for extra peace of mind.

How long does the Kingbreaker Build boost take?

About 1–2 days. The exact time depends on the drop luck and if you chose the 90% stat option (which requires a bit more farming). We start working on your order asap and farm efficiently until your build is done. You get an estimated time frame when you order and we keep you updated – but you won’t be waiting long to play with your new build.

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