Hearthstone Prince Arthas Boost
Buy Hearthstone Prince Arthas Boost to unlock this unique Paladin class Hero skin with ease. Our professional Hearthstone players will complete all tasks necessary in the quickest of time while you are at work or playing other games. Unlock this unique Paladin skin without having to go through the grind.
Prince Arthas’s skin for the Paladin class is unlocked for completing the Knights of the Frozen Throne mission and defeating the Lich King with every single class available in Hearthstone. The Lich King is a considerable opponent that will require different tactics for different classes. He also has Challenge Cards that are specific for each class and cost 1 mana. Those cards are always played on a first turn and make life harder for each class from the very start of your fight with him. You’ll need to learn tactics for each class, as well as new cards and strategies. Or you can simply buy our Hearthstone Prince Arthas Boost and watch how our professional boosters handle things with Lich King. As a reward, you’ll get:
- Prince Arthas Paladin Class Hero Skin unlocked
- Various rewards and cards obtained during the boost
Act now and save yourself hours, if not days’ worth of time. Unlock Prince Arthas’ unique skin and enjoy playing your favorite Paladin class in Hearthstone without having to grind Knights of the Frozen Throne missions for ages.