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WoW Undermine Crests Boost

WoW Undermine Crests Boost
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Undermine Crests Boost is a farming service that helps WoW gamers collect new currency in The War Within expansion. Undermine Crests are special tokens that characters achieve for completing endgame content, such as dungeons and raids. Upon finishing each encounter, characters may loot various numbers of them, and depending on the content’s difficulty, they will achieve different types of Crests. Undermine Crests are required for upgrading characters’ gear, but to increase the ilvl (item level) of equipment to the maximum, WoW gamers must put in a good amount of effort.

Collecting Undermine Crests is not so difficult because you just need to complete any endgame encounter, but currency farming is always a time-consuming and boring task. And if you want to achieve the highest quality Gilded Crests, you must fight the hardest bosses in the highest Mythic+ keys and Mythic Liberation of Undermine difficulty mode. The best way to collect the necessary number of Undermine Crests in The War Within expansion is to buy our farming services. We will provide you with the most professional PvE experts, who will grind the requested number of currency tokens, regardless of quality, as fast as possible. After purchasing WoW Undermine Crests Boost, The War Within gamers will achieve the most effective and quick currency farming service and will be able to upgrade their gear to any ilvl (item level) they want.


Each boosting service has specific requirements that World of Warcraft players must meet before purchasing it. Undermine Crest Boost focuses on farming unique currency with different tiers, which means it has simple requirements, but they are different depending on the token’s quality. The War Within gamers must meet the following criteria to achieve assistance from our PvE experts.

  • The most important requirement is access to content for which you can get Crests. This means you must have purchased The War Within on your account. Without the 11.0 expansion, we won’t be able to assist you in the Undermine Crests farming process.
  • Another criterion related to gameplay access is active subscription. Ensure you have paid Blizzard’s monthly fee and that the character is available for play at the time chosen for this service.
  • The main in-game requirement is the character’s level, which differs depending on Undermine Crests’ quality. For the lowest tier, Weathered, there are no specific level criteria, but considering it is The War Within currency, your character must be a minimum of 70. Carved, Runed, and Gilded tokens require you to level up to 80 because they are achieved only from Liberation of Undermine Palace and Mythic+ encounters.

Following such simple requirements will allow us to assist in farming, be efficient, and deliver the boost in the shortest possible time. Once you have verified that all criteria have been met or have taken the necessary steps to meet them, you can start placing your Undermine Crests order and choosing the additional options described below.


Additional options for WoW Undermine Crests Boost were created to allow The War Within gamers to customize their orders and guarantee appropriate results. A well-defined request also allows us to choose the optimal farming method, which will only increase the speed of order fulfillment. All additional options for World of Warcraft players to adjust the Undermine Crests Boost are described below.

  • Weathered Undermine Crests farm allows you to choose the necessary amount of lower tier of gear-upgrade The War Within currency, with which you can upgrade your equipment up to 585 ilvl (item level). Weathered tokens achieved for open-world activities, such as world bosses, quests, treasure chests, dungeons on heroic difficulty, and LFR (looking for raid) mode of the Liberation of Undermine Palace.
  • The Carved Undermine Crests farm will help you achieve advanced-quality gear-upgrade tokens, which allow you to boost your gear up to 590 ilvl (item level). World of Warcraft players collect Carved Crests in Mythic 0 dungeons and Normal mode of the Liberation of Undermine Palace endgame raid.
  • Runed Undermine Crests farm will allow you to get the requested number of high-tier tokens required for upgrading sets of equipment up to 613 ilvl (item level). To farm Runed tokens, boosters will run Mythic+ keys and Liberation of Undermine Palace in Heroic mode.
  • Gilded Undermine Crests farm is an option for World of Warcraft players who want top-tier upgrades. It can only be achieved by completing encounters in the highest Mythic+ keys and Mythic mode of the Liberation of Undermine Palace.
  • The Express option allows you to skip the service queue and be the first to receive our assistance. This additional option also provides you with the help of the best PvE experts, regardless of the quality of the chosen tokens, so you will achieve the requested amount of currency even faster.

Besides, you can choose options unrelated to the specific service, such as additional dungeon or raid runs or a gold farm, which can be provided simultaneously. Depending on the chosen options, you can achieve different rewards, a list of which you can see below.


Undermine Crests is a very valuable type of The War Within currency, collecting which takes time and effort even from the most professional players since there are weekly raid CDs (cooldown) and you need to upgrade the key before running high Mythic+ tier. And related farming service is a hard job requiring efficiency and dedication from the performer, but obviously, it is highly beneficial. Below is the list of all guaranteed and possible rewards World of Warcraft gamers can achieve after purchasing Undermine Crests Boost.

  • Requested number of Weathered, Carved, Runed and Gilded Undermine Crests achieved from the dungeons, raids and open-world activities, as the main objective of the farming service.
  • Other types of World of Warcraft currencies, including a moderate amount of gold, collected in the boosting process. The higher quality Crests chosen for the farming process, the more gold and other currencies your character will achieve as an additional reward.
  • Regular and unique The War Within reagents, dropped from bosses and trash in dungeons and raids. They will allow you to boost your professions or sell them at the auction house.
  • There is a chance to get various equipment, such as weapons, armor, and jewelry, from completed activities. Undermine Crests are not the only upgrade-related rewards because you can boost your character with the lucky dropped gear itself.
  • Any other endgame drop can be achieved, but since the service’s main purpose is a specific currency farm, the chances of achieving extremely rare rewards are lower than with dedicated farming services.

Since achieving Undermine Crests requires completing endgame encounters, you may expect a good amount of additional resources, equipment, and other rewards. And you’re always guaranteed a chosen number of Undermine Crests, regardless of their quality and difficulty. By purchasing WoW Undermine Crests Boost, you are guaranteed professional help and the quickest, safest, and most effective The War Within farming service.

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