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Gold Bullion

Gold Bullion
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Fallout 76 Gold Bullion is the ultimate FO76 currency for getting exclusive items, gear and mods from certain vendors that plain caps just can’t cover. It showed up in the Wasteland with the Wastelanders update and has become the backbone of high level upgrades beyond everyday trading. This precious metal is the key to prime weapons, armor, CAMP gadgets and special mods — it’s like hitting the jackpot for dedicated Vault Dwellers. Buying Gold Bullion with ChaosBoost gives your character significant boost to unlock armor sets and rare weapons.


Buying Gold Bullion Boost with ChaosBoost unlocks a whole host of the best rewards in Fallout 76. From cutting edge tech to trendy CAMP decorations, there’s a ton of must have items you can grab with bullion:

  • Secret Service Armor Set – High defense and the ability to attach a jetpack mod to fly above the terrain.
  • T-65 Power Armor – Tank like suit that gives you unmatched defense, so you can wade into danger without flinching.
  • Gauss Shotgun – Explodes at close range, perfect for melting rad infested enemies in seconds.
  • Gauss Minigun – A hail of charged rounds that tears through beasts and bandits like tissue paper.
  • Plasma Caster – Lob energy bursts to take down large enemies with a single shot.
  • ArmCo Ammo Construction Appliance – A CAMP machine that spews out ammo so you never run out.
  • Rare CAMP Plans & Cosmetics – Unlock rare base builds (turrets, purifiers, decorations) and unique cosmetics to jazz up your home.
  • Ammo & Mod Plans – Get special ammo schematics and upgraded mods, like Ultracite ammo or the Secret Service jetpack.

Buying this currency with ChaosBoost boosts your Fallout 76 inventory from basic to beastly. A few of the top FO76 builds require Gold Bullion to complete. Here’s a table of top tier gear and their approximate bullion cost:


Buying Gold Bullion with ChaosBoost offers different Fallout 76 boosting options to fuel your stash and get those sweet items. Choose whatever combo fits your plan:

  • Daily Treasury Note Exchange – Got no time to log in? Our booster logs in at the right moments to max out the daily bullion limit.
  • Vendor Reputation Farming – Some items need top level rep with factions. We earn that Ally status by completing Settler or Raider tasks.
  • Wastelanders Quest Completion – If the Wastelanders storyline is still open, we finish the main quest to legit open bullion trading.
  • Caps-to-Bullion Conversion – Turn surplus caps into gold with Smiley at The Wayward, up to 300 gold per week.

Buy ChaosBoost Gold Bullion farming with a faction reputation boost to get a specific blueprint. ChaosBoost Fallout 76 boosters do everything faster than a nuke takes you to the next loading screen.


Before you byu more gold than a hidden pre-War vault, a few things must be in order:

  • Wastelanders Main Quest Completed – Must finish “Secrets Revealed” (Vault 79 run) to access the bullion system.
  • Access to The Wayward / Smiley – Smiley becomes available to turn caps into bullion once Wastelanders content is done.
  • Treasury Notes on Hand – Get notes from public events or daily faction quests. Our booster can farm them if you’re short.
  • Inventory Space – Watch that stash so new loot doesn’t disappear due to system caps (10,000 gold max per character).
  • Character Level & Gear– Preferably level 50+ for better survivability in note dropping events.

If you met these requirements, it’s time to open the vault door on your Gold Bullion boost. If anything’s missing, ChaosBoost covers that too.

Best Way to Farm Bullion in Fallout 76

Gold Bullion is all about accumulating Fallout 76 Treasury Notes and exchanging them daily. Pros do it this way:

  • Focus on High-Value Public Events – Hit heavy-hitting events like Radiation Rumble, Encrypted, or Scorched Earth; they give multiple notes per run.
  • Complete Daily Faction Quests – Wastelanders daily tasks give 3 notes each. Stack a few daily for a big haul.
  • Hit the Daily Exchange Cap – Convert 40 notes (for 400 gold) at the Gold Press Machine to maximize your gain each day.
  • Buy from Smiley Weekly – Up to 300 more gold by trading caps weekly. This is a solid influx for anyone with spare caps.
  • Watch for the Gold Rush Event – This limited time event sometimes doubles the daily exchange rate, effectively giving 800 gold a day.

Follow these methods and you’ll get Fallout 76 400 gold daily plus the extra 300 from Smiley weekly. That’s why ChaosBoost steps in to do it for you so you can enjoy the loot.


Got questions before buying Fallout 76 Gold Bullion boosts? Check these out:

What is Gold Bullion and why is it important in Fallout 76?

Fallout 76 Gold Bullion is the premium currency in FO76 that gets you special gear and plans that can’t be bought with caps. It’s the endgame currency to get items like Secret Service Armor or a top tier Gauss weapon. Essentially, it’s the ticket to top gear.

How does the Gold Bullion boosting service work?

Our Fallout 76 boosters log in daily to do tasks, grab Treasury Notes and exchange them for gold. We respect the daily limit of 400 gold and the weekly 300 gold from Smiley. We keep everything legit and follow in-game rules.

Is it safe to use ChaosBoost for Fallout 76 Gold Bullion?

Nope, we use 100% legit Fallout 76 Boosting gameplay, no cheats or under the table methods. ChaosBoost team is knowledgeable about event runs, quest lines and rep grinding. Your account remains safe and we only operate in the FO76 space.

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