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Glory of the Delver Boost

Glory of the Delver Boost
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Glory of the Delver Boost is a special service created to help The War Within WoW gamers complete the hardest modular achievement in the new open-world instances. Delves appeared as a new type of instanced content on par with dungeons and raids and has a similar progression system, including achievements. Each of them requires fulfillment of a certain condition in Delve, which often coincide with what was already in the game. The most difficult of these are the modular achievements, which require completing a certain number (six to twelve on average) of achievements to get the main one. And Glory of the Delver is just one of these achievements, which require World of Warcraft gamers to complete ten smaller, but not so simple, tasks in Delve. On top of that, one of the required for Glory of the Delver achievements is also modular, which basically require World of Warcraft gamers to complete twenty two challenges.

Most of Glory of the Delver inner challenges must be performed in tier eight Delves or higher, which are no regular runs, but rather similar to Heroic raid or high Mythic+ keys in The War Within expansion. Completion of Glory of the Delver requires a knowledge of all new dangerous enemies, deadly mechanics, difficult riddles and secrets. The War Within players to get Glory of the Delver must have good skills and reaction, plenty of time and well-coordinated party. But with our Glory of the Delver Boost you can forget about such requirements, because we will complete this achievement for you. Each World of Warcraft gamer who purchases this service will join the team of skilled and knowledgeable PvE experts with powerful characters, who will ensure all Glory of the Delver challenges are completed and that you collect all related rewards in the minimum possible time.


Every activity in World of Warcraft is rewarded with certain bonuses, and The War Within achievements such as Glory of the Delver offer the best rewards. Each challenge brings different benefits and since there are a ton of them, World of Warcraft players can collect a decent number of rewards for completing every achievement. Besides, considering how much time gamers need to spend in Delves during this activity, there are a lot of side rewards. The complete list of guaranteed and possible rewards The War Within players achieve by purchasing Glory of the Delver Boost is below.

  • Completion of Glory of the Delver achievement, which provides gamers with Ivory Goliathus Mount, as a main objective of the Boost. Ivory Goliathus is a giant armored nerubian beetle with a unique model, which will be available for each character on the World of Warcraft account.
  • Completion of twenty two inner challenges, including ten for Glory and twelve for Loremaster.
  • Seeker of Loot title as a reward for one of smaller achievements, Delve Loremaster: The War Within.
  • Zekvir’s Spine cape for completion of one of inner tasks, Nemesis.
  • Achievement points: 10 for each normal task, by 25 for Glory of the Delver, Leave no Treasures Unfold and Delve Loremaster: The War Within, and 5 for each inner Loremaster challenge. Totally World of Warcraft gamers will achieve 215 points.
  • A decent amount of various currencies collected during the Boost. Characters can get Gold, Resonant Crystals, Resplendent Keys and other valuable assets.
  • XP (experience) for NPC companions, chosen for progression during the Boost.
  • Chance to get transmogrification cosmetics and parts for aircraft customization collected in the process.
  • Possibility to collect armor, weapons or jewelry of high item level. Delvers can get BoE (bind-on-equip) and BoP (bind-on-pickup) equipment parts of up to 616 ilvl (item level).

With the purchase of Glory of the Delver Boost all those rewards can be collected without effort. Professional WoW players will use the most efficient methods to farm Glory achievement in the fastest possible way. We will help you accomplish all inner tasks, about which you can read below.

Glory of the Delver Achievements List

Glory of the Delver is the biggest modular achievement in the new World of Warcraft open-world instances, which consists of several others. To provide complete information on what exactly World of Warcraft players, including our PvE experts, must perform in order to finish all challenges we create a special list of achievements. Below we describe all components of one of the hardest challenges of the first PvE season The War Within.

War Within Delves: Tier 8, which is one of the hardest challenges for new or low geared WoW players. Delvers must complete one of the highest instance difficulty tiers with revive charges left. It is pure skill achievement so players must have a reliable team.

Leave No Treasure Unfolded, which is one of two biggest achievements on the list. It requires collecting of all Sturdy Chests hidden in different open-world instances. Each Delve holds several chests, so WoW gamers must collect by four in Kriegval’s Rest, Underkeep, Mycomancer Cavern, Dread Pit, Waterworks, Spiral Weave, Sinkhole, Skittering Breach, Nightfall Sanctum and Tak-Rethan Abyss, and by five in Earthcrawl Mines and Fungal Folly (fifty Sturdy Chests total). Leave No Treasure Unfolded grants Delvers the Seeker of Loot title and progression with Glory of the Delver.

Delve Loremaster: War Within, which is another modular achievement consisting of twelve others. To achieve Loremaster World of Warcraft gamers must complete every story in each open-world instance:

  • Lost Miners, Spreading Decay and Explorer’s Competition in Fungal Folly;
  • Kidnapped Earthen, Fiery Grounds and Precious Ores in Earthcrawl Mines;
  • Lost Gems, Smashing Skardyn and Kobold Kidnapping in Dread Pit;
  • Missing Pigs, Mushroom Morsel and The Great Scavenger Hunt in Mycomancer Cavern;
  • Old Rituals, Renilash Beckons and Shadow Realm in Skittering Breach;
  • Goblin Mischief, Niffer Napping and Pheromone Furry in Tak-Rethan Abyss;
  • Lost Keepsakes, Swarming Kobolds and Dagran’s Day Out in Kriegval’s Rest;
  • Captured Engineers, Stomping Some Sense and Trust Issues in the Waterworks;
  • Dark Ritual, Kyron’s Assault and Signal Noise in Nightfall Sanctum;
  • Illusory Rescue, Lurking Terror and Raen’s Gambit in Sinkhole;
  • Tortured Hostages, Strange Disturbance and From the Weaver with love in the Spiral Weave;
  • Torture Victims, Evolved Research, Weaver Rescue and Runaway Evolution in the Underkeep.

Totally The War Within players must complete thirty seven stories throughout all new instances.

I TAKE Candle! is a difficult one. Progression with this achievement requires completion of the eight tier difficulty Kobold instance with remaining charge on the Air Totem or Enchanted Candle.

Spider Senses must be completed in the Nerubian instance on the tier eight or higher. World of Warcraft gamers must finish the run without falling into any traps, including Webs that spawn ambushers and spider eggs that deal damage.

Sporesweeper is basically the same as the previous one, but in Fungarian Delves. WoW players must complete tier eight difficulty without touching such traps as Explosive spores, or taking damage from them to complete Sporesweeper challenge.

Just Keep Swimming another challenge which requires tier eight difficulty or higher. The War Within players must finish any Kobyss instance without losing breath even once. This achievement is one of the easiest in the list, but nevertheless requires full attention and luck.

One Pig Only is another challenge WoW gamers must complete in the Kobyss instances. To get the One Pig Only achievement you must finish the Delve minimum on their eight difficulty without inhaling Necrotic Bubbles more than once.

Daystormer requires good skills and fast reaction, because you must evade every artillery fire in the Order of Night open-world instance. Run must be finished on tier eight difficulty or higher.

Nemesis requires slaying of Zekvir, a nerubian boss, which resides in his lair. Nemesis is a time-limited achievement, with a deadline set on the start of PvE season two of The War Within expansion, which implies if you couldn’t get Zekvir’s head within the first season, Glory of the Delver and all rewards will be unavailable.

Each achievement on the list needs preparation, knowledge, and luck, and all of them require strong nerves and perseverance to accomplish. But thanks to our service you can get all this without spending any effort. While The War Within Delvers do their own favorite thing, our PvE experts will get Glory of the Delver and all inner achievements for them, and WoW gamers can find out how they do it below.

Glory of the Delver Guide

Purchasing The War Within Glory of the Delver Boost is the best method to complete all necessary Delve achievements, and we will explain how PvE experts will work in a small Guide. We provide each World of Warcraft gamer who buys the boost with professional Delvers, who will use the most efficient tactics and quickest methods to perform in necessary activities. This way they will be able to save customers’ precious time and provide them with desired rewards. Besides, lowering order fulfillment time for Glory of the Delver Boost gives us space to work on service conditions and ways to lower prices. We are trying to make each World of Warcraft service unique, so our team and especially boosters will ensure you’re achieving the following features, while providing Glory of the Delver Boost.

  • A full completion of twenty two challenges and the main achievement for the lowest prices on the market. To be able to provide you with cheap service we optimize each choice, World of Warcraft gamers can take on our website, as well as working conditions for PvE experts. You also have an opportunity to collect even more rewards if you choose additional services in the order, because thanks to the discount policy each individual boost can become cheaper if several are picked within the same request.
  • Completion of all chosen additional options, which are created to expand the capabilities of Glory of the Delver Boost. Rewards for this service are mostly cosmetic, but special options allow World of Warcraft gamers in addition to all guaranteed and possible benefits, improve the character build and possibilities, and progress in other types of The War Within endgame content. This won’t slow down the boost delivery time much and you will be able to progress in Mythic+ dungeons, Normal or Heroic modes of the Nerub’ar Palace, get a decent amount of gold or pick the Express option, which speeds up the service’s speed and allow you to skip the customers queue.
  • The fastest Glory of the Delver completion to protect World of Warcraft players from boring grind and save their time for more interesting The War Within activities. To achieve this, we will provide customers with the most skilled and knowledgeable boosters, who will use their strongest characters. And to perform in the most efficient way, they will complete all achievements on the minimum possible difficulty. We also optimize the management part of the service to speed up the customers queue and minimize the delays.
  • The safest Glory of the Delver Boost, thanks to our security policy, which regulates the permissible limits for PvE experts’ in-game possibilities and cooperation process with payment providers. We guarantee that boosters will perform in a fair way, won’t use any types of cheats, bugs, exploits or other game’s vulnerabilities, stick to the in-game rules and all points of user agreement. Regarding the transactions, we cooperate only with trusted payment providers, so you can be sure about your payment information’s safety.

By following these principles, PvE experts will ensure you get the safest, fastest and most efficient Glory of the Delver Boost and make sure you get all the related benefits. Your character’s power level, lack of a competent team, skills or knowledge and other shortcomings may prevent you from getting this achievement alone, but with this The War Within service we will provide Glory of the Delver in no time at all. By purchasing WoW Glory of the Delver Boost, World of Warcraft gamers are guaranteed the rarest new mount, multiple cool cosmetic items, plenty of possible side rewards and the best Delve-boost experience.

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