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Hunter’s Fury Build

Hunter's Fury Build
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The Hunter’s Fury Build in Division 2 is a high-damage close-quarters build that turns your agent into a beast on the battlefield. This build is centered around the Hunter’s Fury gear set which boosts SMG and shotgun damage and gives armor on kill and disorients nearby enemies. It’s a top-tier DPS build for aggressive playstyles, melts through groups of enemies with overwhelming force. Both seasoned Division 2 veterans and new agents want to use or buy Hunter’s Fury Build Boosting services to get straight into endgame content with a ready made powerhouse.


Unlocking the Hunter’s Fury Build gives you:

  • Full Hunter’s Fury Gear Set: All 4 pieces of the Hunter’s Fury gear set (Mask, Chest, Holster, Kneepads) delivered to your character.
  • High-End Complementary Gear: T2 chest and backpack with ideal talents (e.g. Intimidate chest talent and Memento exotic backpack or equivalent).
  • Powerful Weapons: Strong SMG/shotgun weapons for the build (e.g. exotic SMG like Lady Death or high-damage shotgun).
  • Extra Loot and Resources: All loot, gear and materials collected during the farming process will stay on your account, including any extra exotics or high-end drops.
  • SHD Level and XP Gains: Significant character experience, SHD levels and Season Pass progress while farming the build.

By getting these rewards you’re not just getting a build boost – you’re getting a fully geared agent ready to dominate Division 2 content from the moment you log back in.


Our Hunter’s Fury build boosting service offers flexible options so you get exactly what you need:

  • Play Method – Piloted: A Division 2 booster will play on your account to farm and assemble the Hunter’s Fury Build for you. This is the fast and efficient way as our booster takes care of all the missions and loot farming while you sit back. (Self-play is not available for this service due to the grinding required, so piloted is the safe choice.* Build Quality – 80% (Standard-stat gear): We guarantee the build’s gear pieces will have strong attribute rolls around 80% of their maximum potential. This standard-stat gear option gives you a solid version of the build that clears endgame content comfortably.
  • Build Quality – 90% (High-stat gear): We farm extra to secure gear with attribute rolls around 90%+ of their max values. The high-stat gear option gives you near-god-rolled items, optimal performance and higher damage output for the most demanding agents.

These options let you choose how you want to receive the build, whether you want a quick entry-level setup or a min-maxed build. In any case our team will deliver the Hunter’s Fury build on your agent.

How to Get Hunter’s Fury Build in Division 2

To get Hunter’s Fury Build players must assemble all the required gear pieces through farming and smart gameplay. Here’s what our boosters do to get the Hunter’s Fury Build in-game:

  1. Reach Level 40 (Warlords of New York): Make sure your agent has the Warlords of New York expansion and is level 40. The Hunter’s Fury gear set is an endgame set that drops at level 40 so this is a requirement for farming the pieces.
  2. Farm Hunter’s Fury Gear Pieces: Use the targeted loot feature to focus on Hunter’s Fury gear set drops. Engage in activities where Hunter’s Fury is the targeted loot (e.g. Summit (skyscraper PvE mode) or Countdown mode) for increased drop chances. You can also check open-world zones and missions that have Hunter’s Fury as targeted loot and clear those on higher difficulties for better drop rates.
  3. Complete Difficult Content: Run Heroic difficulty missions, strongholds or Control Points with Hunter’s Fury set targeted. Higher difficulties give more loot drops. Group up with others or use matchmaking for modes like Summit/Countdown to speed up the farming process.
  4. Collect All Four Set Pieces: Keep farming until you have at least one of each Hunter’s Fury gear set item (mask, chest, holster, kneepads). You’ll need four pieces equipped to activate the full 4-piece set bonus (Apex Predator) of the build.5. Supporting Gear: Alongside the set, get a high-end or exotic chest and backpack to go with the build. Popular choices are a chest piece with Intimidate talent (for weapon damage at close range) and the Memento exotic backpack (for extra damage, armor and regen stacks) or a high-end backpack with Adrenaline Rush talent for constant bonus armor.

Farming this build can be time consuming and demanding which is why many players opt for a Hunter’s Fury Build service. Once you have the build fully farmed you’ll be ready to play with it in any endgame scenario.

Best Type of Content for Hunter’s Fury Build

Hunter’s Fury Build shines in certain game modes and combat scenarios:

  • Close-Quarters PvE Missions: This build is good in story missions and strongholds on Hard or Heroic where you can fight up close. Tight indoor sections or dense urban combat areas let you get within 15 meters of the enemies to maximize the Apex Predator damage buff.
  • Control Points and Open-World Activities: Heroic Control Points, Territory Controls and bounty targets in the open world are perfect for the Hunter’s Fury setup. The constant waves of enemies in control points give you plenty of opportunities to chain kills, disorient pulses and snowball your damage with each kill.
  • The Summit (PvE skyscraper mode): In The Summit you climb floor after floor packed with mobs is where Hunter’s Fury builds excel. You can clear floors fast by rushing enemy groups, benefiting from armor-on-kill to stay alive between engagements. The build’s synergy with a shield skill also helps in these prolonged fights.
  • Countdown Mode: Countdown is an 8 player timed mode with hordes of enemies in confined areas. A Hunter’s Fury user in the team can clear red and purple bar enemies fast, maintain crowd control and help the team finish objectives faster. The close-quarters nature of many objectives in Countdown is perfect for this build’s run-and-gun playstyle.* Legendary Missions (with Team Support): In group play the Hunter’s Fury Build can even be viable in Legendary difficulty missions or strongholds. While it’s riskier on Legendary due to tougher enemies, the disorient on kill and armor returns can be clutch. Teammates can provide long range while the Hunter’s Fury build user cleans up any mobs that get close.

In summary any PvE content that involves fighting multiple enemies at short range is the best playground for the Hunter’s Fury Build. It’s not suited for sniper fights or very open battlefields but when used in the right setting it’s one of the fastest ways to clear enemy waves in The Division 2.


Below are the answers to the most common questions about the Hunter’s Fury Build Boost service:

How does the Hunter's Fury build Boosting service work?

Our Hunter’s Fury build boost service is simple and efficient. Once you place an order we assign a professional Division 2 booster to log into your account (piloted mode) at a time you agree on. The booster will farm all required Hunter’s Fury gear set pieces, weapons and complementary items, assemble the full build for you. After finishing the job you’ll receive a notification to log back in and play with your new build.

Is it safe to share my account for this boost?

Yes, account safety is our top priority. We use experienced, vetted boosters who take security measures such as VPN matching your location to ensure your account remains safe. Our team has done countless Division 2 boosts without incident. We never use cheats or third-party software – our boosters handle everything manually. We take good care of your account throughout the process.

What are the requirements to get the Hunter’s Fury Build?

You need to have Tom Clancy’s The Division 2: Warlords of New York expansion and a level 40 character to get Hunter’s Fury gear. This build is part of the level 40 endgame so make sure you’ve completed the NYC expansion content. (If you’re not level 40 yet you might consider a leveling boost first.) Don’t worry about your current gear quality – as long as you meet the level requirement our team can farm the build from scratch.

What if I already have some Hunter’s Fury pieces or the Memento backpack?

Awesome! If you already have some progress on the build we will adjust the farming accordingly. During the order process let us know which pieces you have. Our booster will farm the missing items (or better rolled upgrades for your existing pieces). At the end you will still get a full build and any extra loot we get during the boost is yours to keep.

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