Division 2 Exotics are super rare, high end weapons or gear with unique talents, give power and new possibilities for builds in raids and missions. The boosting services allow players to buy The Division 2 Exotics without endless grinding or relying on luck. Collecting weapons and armor makes a Division 2 agent into an elite fighting force. Experienced teams clear tough content and deliver exotic loot directly to the player’s account. Everything obtained this way is a permanent upgrade to the agent’s arsenal, speeding up progress towards an optimal build. Fast completion times and guaranteed results make this approach popular among players who value time.
The Division 2 Exotics List
Division 2 has an expanding roster of exotic items, split between weapons and armor pieces. Each one has a unique name and talent that sets the item apart from standard loot. Below is a list of exotic weapons and gear in The Division 2 and how to get each one:
List of Weapons:
Weapon |
Type |
Source (How to Obtain) |
Eagle Bearer |
Assault Rifle |
Operation Dark Hours (final boss loot drop) |
Ravenous |
Rifle |
Operation Iron Horse (final boss loot drop) |
Regulus |
Pistol |
Operation Iron Horse (collect components & craft via blueprint) |
The Bighorn |
Assault Rifle |
Legendary mission bosses (e.g., District Union Arena) |
Bullet King |
Open-world named boss loot (Warlords of New York areas) |
Lady Death |
Open-world named boss loot (NYC Rikers territory) |
Nemesis |
Sniper Rifle |
Invaded strongholds (collect parts & craft at Base) |
Liberty |
Pistol |
Side mission chain (collect parts & craft blueprint) |
Scorpio |
Shotgun |
Season 3 reward (now in general targeted loot pool) |
Capacitor |
Assault Rifle |
Summit mode reward (unlocked via Summit challenges) |
Pestilence |
Dark Zone boss drop (contaminated loot from DZ bosses) |
Chameleon |
Assault Rifle |
Open-world bounty reward (general world drop pool) |
Chatterbox |
Hyena faction caches (collect keys & craft) |
List of Exotic Gear:
Gear |
Slot |
Source (How to Obtain) |
Coyote’s Mask |
Mask |
Seasonal reward (Level 35 in Season 1) or open-world drop (targeted mask loot) |
Memento |
Backpack |
Season 3 reward (Concealed Agenda), now drops from random caches |
Acosta’s Go-Bag |
Backpack |
Open faction caches (Hyena/Outcasts loot chests in missions) |
NinjaBike Messenger |
Backpack |
Season 11 reward track (Reign of Fire, Level 90 reward) |
Ridgeway’s Pride |
Chest |
Summit project reward (collect quest components from Summit floor 100) |
Tardigrade Armor System |
Chest |
Open-world named bosses (drops from True Sons elite bosses) |
BTSU Datagloves |
Gloves |
Final boss of District Union Arena (Invaded mission) |
Dodge City Gunslinger |
Holster |
Craft via special project (requires quest items from Gunslinger project) |
Sawyer’s Kneepads |
Kneepads |
Open-world drop (random bosses in LZ or DZ) |
Collecting every exotic is a long process that can take months of playtime. But professional Division 2 boosting services help players get them fast by providing expert help. With a boost, agents complete the whole collection without the grind and enjoy all the benefits of these top items much sooner.
Best Ways to Farm Exotics in Division 2
Farming Exotics in The Division 2 requires strategy and patience. These rare drops have low drop-rates, but some activities have higher chances or guaranteed rewards. Farming exotics means focusing on high reward content that either guarantees a reward or maximizes the chances of getting one. Consistency and tackling the toughest challenges pays off. Below are some of the best ways to farm in Division 2:
- Raid completions – The 8-player raids (Operation Dark Hours and Operation Iron Horse) have exclusive loot. Running these raids gives a steady chance at raid-only items like the Eagle Bearer assault rifle, Ravenous rifle or the components for Regulus.2. Legendary missions – Legendary missions (e.g., District Union Arena, Roosevelt Island) have increased drop rates. These tough missions often have random rewards and can drop the Bighorn rifle from final bosses.
- Targeted loot and control points – Free-roam activities like Heroic Control Points or The Summit allow targeted farming of specific loot types. By doing activities where the targeted loot type matches the desired reward (for example, Assault Rifle target loot when farming an AR), players get a slight chance of getting that drop.
- Season pass rewards and Manhunts – Seasonal reward tracks often include exotic caches or specific new items at certain ranks. Seasonal manhunt final bosses also drop the season’s exotic (for example, Scorpio shotgun (Season 3) or Doctor Home rifle (Season 10)), so you get it guaranteed during that season.
- Exotic caches and projects – Exotic caches are earned by reaching certain level thresholds (every 100 SHD levels) or completing weekly projects and global events. Each cache gives a random item, often one you don’t have yet. Special projects like the Summit’s quest for Ridgeway’s Pride chest piece give a fixed reward upon completion.
Even with all these methods, drops are luck-based and time-consuming. Agents may run difficult missions dozens of times with no exotic in sight. That’s where an exotic boost service comes in – by handing the grind to seasoned boosters, an agent gets the coveted gear without wasting hours.
Best Exotics Tier List
Not all items are created equal. Some weapons and gear are must-haves in endgame builds while others are situational. Below is a tier list of some of the best exotics in Division 2 based on overall power and versatility:
- Eagle Bearer – High damage and Tenacity buff, this assault rifle is great for sustained firefights and rewards aggressive play with extra survivability. Drops from Dark Hours raid and is top DPS among assault rifles.
- Scorpio – A shotgun with a stacking status effect talent. Each shot applies poison, disorients and shocks enemies, making Scorpio perfect for debuffing tough enemies and bosses in PvE and PvP.
- Memento – An exotic backpack that combines weapon damage, bonus armor and skill efficiency through collectible trophies. This backpack works with almost every build and scales well in longer fights, making Memento a core item for solo and group content.
- Ravenous – A unique double-barreled rifle from the Iron Horse raid that deals explosive damage when alternating trigger pulls. In the hands of a good agent, Ravenous wastes armor and does heavy burst damage, making Ravenous one of the top weapons.
- Nemesis – A very high-damage sniper rifle that one-shots most elites fully charged. The weapon requires a patient approach but pays off by deleting priority targets from long range.
- Regulus – A powerful revolver that does massive damage on headshot kills. This sidearm is deadly in close-to-mid-range combat, often clearing groups of weaker enemies instantly when the talent triggers.
- Bullet King – A light machine gun that never needs to reload. This LMG’s continuous fire and team ammo refill effect provides great sustained DPS and support, allowing constant pressure on enemies without downtime.
- Coyote’s Mask – An exotic mask that boosts critical hit damage and chance for the whole squad based on range. This mask increases team DPS in coordinated groups, especially in raid and dungeon encounters.
Other Division 2 exotics not listed above are niche or for completionists, but the S and A tier items are the most important for agents who want to be effective. Of course, these top-tier items are also the rarest, often behind raids or very rare drops. Using a boosting service to get S-tier exotics gives a big advantage, allowing players to gear up with the best without waiting for loot drops. With professional help, agents get geared up with the top rewards and dominate endgame content.
What The Division 2 Exotics Boost Includes
Division 2 Exotics Boost focuses on getting the best weapons and gear the game has to offer, shortcutting the process of getting rare loot. Players often ask for help with raids, Legendary missions and quests that require coordination or endless grinding. Ordering a Division 2 Exotics Boost shortens these activities, so you can free up time and make sure every step is handled by experts.
- Full mission or raid clear for guaranteed items and high-end gear
- Professional teams who handle all objectives, from farming to crafting3. Custom scheduling for any content
- Progress updates
- Guaranteed drops
A Division 2 Exotics Boost gets multiple exotics in less time, bypassing the luck factor. A service like this allows you to develop your build without the hassle. As each new loot is secured, your character becomes a powerful force to be reckoned with and ready for any endgame content.
Easiest Exotics to Get
Easiest Exotics to Get involve activities with high drop chance or guaranteed drops. A pistol blueprint is available through a side mission chain that involves Hyena caches. An early seasonal track has a direct unlock after you reach the required seasonal level. There are various ways to get there faster. quicker access to exotics or gear boosts survivability and damage in endgame missions.
Some exotics drop from standard missions or caches. The SMG Chatterbox for example drops from Hyena keys and blueprint parts in faction chests, making it a more straightforward craft. Named enemies in certain expansions drop others with minimal randomness. Focusing on more accessible exotics upgrades your build faster. Early pickups are a reliable stepping stone to tougher Division 2 content.
Easiest Exotics to Get are important for agents who want to progress faster. Simple acquisition paths give you power without long grinding. A Division 2 Exotics Boost removes the time investment for multiple farming runs. Each one delivered this way strengthens your loadout and prepares you for advanced missions. ChaosBoost helps you get weapons and make sure the best gear ends up in your inventory.
Many new Division 2 players wonder how to get Exotics fast. Here are the main reasons, methods and rewards for ordering a specialized service.
Why do players purchase Division 2 Exotics through a specialized service?
Some players skip the uncertainty and time consuming tasks by ordering a boost. A specialized service does all the missions or raids with minimal risk of wasted time. This way exotic items appear without relying on luck.
How do weapons and gear transform The Division agent’s combat capabilities?
Exotic gear has signature talents that increase damage or survival in every fight. Some items add status effects or refill ammo, giving you an advantage over standard gear. Each piece fits a specific build, creating synergy for advanced gameplay.**Where do the best exotics drop in The Division 2?
Where do the best exotic drops appear in The Division 2?
Exotics show up in 8-player raids, Legendary missions or region specific named bosses. Some only drop from Operation Dark Hours or Operation Iron Horse so those are musts. Season reward tracks and targeted loot areas also give exotics with less randomness.
What is the advantage of letting experienced teams handle exotic farming?
Experts complete every objective fast and methodical. High end teams have minimal failure rate so progress towards exotics is much faster. Many raids or missions require coordination which becomes managable with a dedicated team of pros.
How do faster completion times improve progression toward an optimal build?
Faster runs allow you to do content that gives exotics and high end gear more often. More runs mean more loot variety and faster discovery of perfect items. Timely gear socketing gets you more powerful in endgame missions and raids, overall stronger arsenal.