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Buy Division 2 Exotic Armor

Buy Division 2 Exotic Armor
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The Division 2 Any Exotic Armor are the most wanted items for agents, they’re unique and game changing. Exotic armor in The Division 2 is the highest tier of gear, it will define your build and boost your agent. But getting these rare items is not easy – each exotic armor takes hard endgame content or super low drop rates.

Many players spend weeks or months to get one piece by farming missions, Legendary strongholds, raids or seasonal events. But if you don’t have time to farm or the luck to beat the odds, our ChaosBoost service is here to help. Buy the Any Exotic Armor Boost and our expert Division 2 team will take care of the hard work, we will get you the specific gear you want.


Rewards explains the items and benefits you will get with this service. Read below for the main rewards of buying the Any Exotic Armor Boost, and a quick summary why they’re game changers.

  • Your chosen Exotic Armor piece (guaranteed)
    Agents specify exactly which exotic they want, such as Ridgeway’s Pride or NinjaBike Messenger Bag. Our boosters will farm until it drops, no matter how many runs are required.
  • All additional loot acquired
    Get extra gear sets, named items, high-end weapons and more throughout the farming process. These drops will complement the new exotic, resulting in a stronger overall build.
  • Experience & progression
    Get SHD watch levels, Season Pass XP and potential commendations that will accumulate during the boosting process, and will benefit your agent even after you get the exotic armor.

These rewards will give you meaningful gains while avoiding farming. Buy the Any Exotic Armor service and watch your agent power up in The Division 2.


Options explains the different ways to proceed with this boost. Below are the options, and a quick summary why you should customize your order.

  • Self-Play
    Team up with experienced boosters. Play your own agent from start to finish, join the group as they do the missions or farm bosses.
  • Piloted
    Let our professional boosters log in to your account via VPN. They will do the grind while you relax. This is the ultimate time saver for busy schedules.
  • Exotic Selection
    Choose from any exotic armor piece in The Division 2. The service covers masks, chest pieces, backpacks, holsters, gloves or kneepads – nothing is off limits.
  • Platform & Region
    PC, PS and Xbox in all regions. Our booster network will ensure timely starts no matter where you are.
  • Express Start
    Starts almost immediately after purchase. For players who need the exotic armor piece ASAP without waiting.
  • Add PvE build with exotic
    Add the best PvE build to your order and make your agent ready for any content.

These options fit your schedule, gameplay and specific exotic target. Buy the boost that suits you.


Requirements explain the conditions to proceed with The Division 2 Any Exotic Armor Boost. Meeting these ensures smooth progress. Below is the list and a summary.

  • Level 40 Character & Warlords of New York
    Access to endgame content and exotic gear requires WONY expansion and level 40 agent.
  • World Tier 5 unlocked
    Endgame activities in The Division 2 are in WT5 content, so unlocking it is required for exotic drops.

Complying with these requirements means you’re ready for endgame missions and raids. Without them progress will stall. Make sure your agent meets these prereqs before booking a boost.

What is the Best Way to Get All Exotic Armor in The Division 2

How to Get All Exotic Armor in The Division 2 is a question many players ask to shortcut the grind. Below is a quick list of the best methods, finishing with a conclusion about consistency.

  • Farm endgame missions or raids with a good team using Targeted Loot for the armor slot you want.
  • Complete questlines or seasonal Manhunts for the exotics.
  • Open Exotic Caches from weekly projects or Season Pass progression (though these give random pieces).
  • Buy a boosting service, get the exact exotic without RNG or endless hours of gameplay.

Using a Division 2 boosting service is the most straightforward and easiest way. Speed, guarantees and expert gameplay remove the hassle of chasing rare loot. Ready to get premium Exotic Armor pieces? Buy the Division 2 Any Exotic Armor Boost from ChaosBoost and let our pros handle the grind. Experience the endgame with the gear you want and focus on taking on the toughest content with the best items

Best Exotic Armor

Exotic Armor shows top-tier gear pieces in The Division 2 for agents looking for upgrades. Many players wonder which exotics are good for PvE or how certain items fit into different builds. Below is the list of popular exotic armor pieces, categorized by Name, Type and How to Get. Use this when choosing an item to target during Any Exotic Armor Boost.

Name Type How to Get
Rugged Gauntlets Exotic Gloves Gloves Drops from Legendary missions, named NPCs, or Targeted Loot in high-level activities.
Shocker Punch Exotic Holster Holster Appears in loot pools with holsters as Targeted Loot, often from final mission bosses.
Catharsis Exotic Mask Mask Reward for clearing Summit challenges or random exotic drops in endgame content.
Ridgeway’s Pride Exotic Chest Chest Complete the Summit project after collecting specific components from designated floors.
NinjaBike Messenger Bag Backpack Random exotic drop from raids, Season Caches, or Exotic Caches.
Coyote’s Mask Exotic Mask Often found in high-difficulty missions with Mask as Targeted Loot or from Season progression.
Collector Exotic Chest Chest Acquired through Season events or specific mission completions at heroic difficulties.
Tardigrade Armor System Exotic Body Armor Chest Drops in Legendary difficulty or from final wave bosses in targeted missions.
Black Tusk Special Unit (BTSU) Exotic Datagloves Gloves Drops in raids or designated loot areas focused on gloves, frequently at higher difficulties.
Acosta’s Go-Bag Exotic Backpack Backpack Looted from locked faction crates, random mission bosses, or exotic caches in endgame content.
Memento Exotic Backpack Backpack Earned from Season progression, random exotic drops, or certain quest completions.
Waveform Exotic Holster Holster Found in Legendary strongholds or missions with Holster as Targeted Loot.
Dodge City Gunslinger’s Exotic Holster Holster Crafted after obtaining the blueprint and unique components from bounties or special projects.
Imperial Dynasty Exotic Holster Holster Reward for completing certain missions on Hard or higher difficulties, occasionally from caches.
Vile Exotic Mask Mask Dropped during seasonal Manhunt completions or exotic loot caches in endgame.
NinjaBike Messenger Exotic Kneepads Kneepads Appear in final boss loot at high difficulty missions, occasionally from Season rewards.
Sawyer’s Exotic Kneepads Kneepads Frequently gained from Legendary strongholds or heroic missions with Kneepads as Targeted Loot.
Bloody Knuckles Exotic Gloves Gloves Drop from named bosses or final wave encounters with Gloves as Targeted Loot.
Imperial Dynasty Exotic Holster Holster Also found in Season events, heroic missions, or random exotic caches for Holsters.
Provocator Exotic Chest Chest Earned as a reward for specific Season tasks or from final wave boss fights in targeted missions.
Exodus Exotic Gloves Gloves Requires certain questlines, random exotic caches, or targeted loot for Gloves in advanced content.

This list covers all armor slots and unique talents, from the versatile Memento Exotic Backpack to the less popular Collector Exotic Chest. Buy the Any Exotic Armor Boost to get any of these items and add a new PvE build to crush The Division 2’s toughest content.


Customers often ask about The Division 2 boosting services. Below are 4 quick questions and answers.

How does the Division 2 Exotic Armor boosting service work?

After you buy the boost we will schedule a session at your convenience. Our team of pros will either play with you (if self-play) or play on your account (if piloted) to get the exotic. We will do whatever missions, boss kills or quests are required for your item and won’t stop until it drops. Once the exotic armor is secured we will notify you – then you can log in and get your new item.

Do you really guarantee the item even if the drop rate is low?

Yes – no matter how rare or difficult, we will get your item. If the drop rate is low we will run the activity as many times as needed until the exotic drops. If it’s tied to a raid or time-gated content we will use every strategy (and re-run if needed) to get it. For questbased exotics we will complete the entire quest for you, ensuring the reward. We don’t quit until your exotic armor is on your account – 100% guaranteed or your money back.

What if the exotic has a low drop rate?

No drop rate is an obstacle for us. Whether it’s a notoriously rare item or tied to time-gated content our boosters will continue to farm until it’s secured. Count on consistent grinding for 100% acquisition success, guaranteed.

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