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Buy Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle

Buy Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle
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The Division 2 Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle is an Exotic AR with a 1% drop chance from Operation Dark Hours raid, that will give you insane damage for any agent in The Division 2. Agents get access to Eagle Bearer by killing raid bosses or testing Dark Zone luck, so it’s a highly coveted weapon for those who want to have the best weapons. Buy Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle from ChaosBoost and get a strong addition to every Division 2 build. That Exotic AR gives you insane damage and unique talents in Operation Dark Hours or any endgame activity. The boosting service gives you direct gameplay assistance and access to the rare loot pool. Purchase now and be among the top agents dominating The Division 2 raids.


Eagle Bearer boosting gives you multiple rewards for Division 2 agents. Several valuable items are in the Operation Dark Hours loot pool.

  • Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle: The star of the raid, gives you insane damage and exclusive talents.
  • Raid Gear: Boss fights drop high level gear pieces for your build.
  • Crafting Materials: Operation Dark Hours gives you resources for other items.
  • Raid Completions: Extra loot from each encounter to build your Division 2 arsenal.

Players buying boosting for Eagle Bearer have a huge advantage over standard gear. The service gives you maximum firepower for every mission.


Eagle Bearer boosting suits multiple playstyles in The Division 2. The ChaosBoost service supports multiple platforms and play methods.

Option Description
PC Platform Access to Eagle Bearer boosting for PC-based Division 2 agents
PlayStation Quick and secure boosting sessions for console players
Xbox Full Operation Dark Hours and Dark Zone boosting on Xbox
Piloted Method Professional boosters handle the entire process with minimal downtime

Every option gives you a direct way to get the Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle. That way you will save time if you want to progress fast in Division 2.


Eagle Bearer boosting has a few requirements in The Division 2. Meet these standards and you will have smooth raid runs and consistent loot drops.

  • Level 40 Character: Operation Dark Hours requires a well built character.
  • Base Campaign Completed: You need to unlock endgame activities before scheduling a raid run.* Decent Gear Score: Enemies in Operation Dark Hours require high end gear.
  • Active Subscription (PC or Console): Online services are required for The Division 2.

Players meeting these requirements will have a smooth boosting experience. Strong prep means fast Eagle Bearer.

How to Get Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle in Division 2

To get Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle in Division 2 you have to kill bosses in Operation Dark Hours or rely on small Dark Zone loot pool chance. Boosting increases success rate by focusing on constant raids with experienced groups.

  1. Gather experienced team: Operation Dark Hours requires good coordination and sustained DPS.
  2. Kill multiple bosses: Each encounter has a small chance for the Exotic drop.
  3. Loot final raid chest: End-of-raid loot gives you around 10% chance for weekly attempts.
  4. Check the Dark Zone: 0.024% chance, but extremely rare.

Eagle Bearer boosting removes the guesswork. Frequent raid runs and pro assistance push you towards the AR.

What Are the Best Builds with Eagle Bearer

Eagle Bearer builds focus on high critical chance and headshot damage for maximum output. A well-coordinated strategy benefits from synergy between brand sets and the AR’s talents.

  1. Providence Defense: Three-piece bonus gives headshot damage, critical chance and critical damage.
  2. Fenris Group AB: One-piece bonus increases assault rifle damage for heavier bursts.
  3. Grupo Sombra S.A.: One-piece bonus gives extra critical damage.
  4. Coyote’s Mask: Distance-based buffs for critical chance and critical damage.
  5. Striker’s Battlegear: Four-piece set rewards sustained firing with growing weapon damage.

Each loadout utilizes Eagle Bearer’s powerful traits. A specialized boosting approach gets the Exotic while leaving time to gear up.

Is Eagle Bearer Worth the Expense for Boosting?

Eagle Bearer boosting gives you direct access to one of the best Exotic ARs in The Division 2. The service does consistent Operation Dark Hours runs and avoids frustration from multiple failed attempts.

  1. Time Saved: No need to run multiple raids with random groups.
  2. Guaranteed Attempts: Professional runs each week for final chest or boss kills.
  3. More Gear: Extra loot from each raid refines overall builds.
  4. Consistent Progress: No wasted sessions from uncoordinated groups or low DPS.

That gives you an Exotic that dominates both PvE and PvP. A quick purchase from ChaosBoost gets you immediate gains in gear.

Are There Other Ways To Get Eagle Bearer?

Eagle Bearer boosting utilizes loot in Operation Dark Hours and targeted endgame content. Proper planning increases drop rates and keeps gear organized.

  1. Weekly Raid Chest: Always open that chest for around 10% chance.
  2. Focused Boss Kills: Each boss in Operation Dark Hours has a small chance to drop Eagle Bearer.
  3. Targeted Dark Zone Sessions: 0.024% drop rate but it’s an option for solo runs.
  4. Coordinated with Veteran Players: Organized groups get more frequent successes.

Any plan that includes regular attempts increases the chance of success. Eagle Bearer is the crown jewel of The Division 2 loot.


Many Division 2 agents have questions about boosting and Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle. This section answers common questions about the service.

Is the drop chance truly 1%?

Yes, Operation Dark Hours has a 1% drop chance for Eagle Bearer Assault Rifle. Many agents spend hours in raid runs, so a professional boosting option speeds up the process. ChaosBoost applies consistent attempts for the best result.

How long does the Eagle Bearer boosting take?

Time depends on schedule and in-game factors. ChaosBoost completes Operation Dark Hours as fast as possible while being safe. Agents often get results within a short time.

Is account sharing required?

A piloted boost requires account sharing to allow pros to play your character in The Division 2. This way we ensure accurate looting and minimal downtime. Many players prefer account sharing for quick results.

Does boosting impact in-game progress negatively?

No negative impact on your Division 2 account. The process is either completing Operation Dark Hours or collecting Dark Zone loot, both of which make your gear stronger. Many players see an even better progression curve because of the Exotic.

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