Damage Badges Boost

Damage Badges Boost

Damage Badges Boost
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Damage Badges Boost is a service that helps Apex Legends gamers complete various damage challenges and obtain related trophies. Apex Legends is a battle royale shooter where the in-game damage you do to your enemies is the core mechanic, which can help you not only win the matches but also collect certain rewards. The game has a lot of different activities, game modes, and events, and each of them has its own challenges: deal enough damage during this or that event, reach a certain number on the specific map, in trios, duos, or in other conditions. Each of those activities will grant you the Badge after completion, and there are many. Besides, you can earn Damage Badges by playing specific characters or using different weapons, and it is difficult to master some of them.

To achieve specific low-effort Damage Badges, you can just play Apex with your favorite character and loadout, but this way, players usually can get only a couple of trophies. To get more demanding Damage Badges, they must learn new mechanics and guns, master new activities, and improve constantly. To earn rare Badges, Apex Legends gamers must put in a lot of time and effort, strategize their gameplay, and stop playing casually. The majority of regular gamers are playing casually and do not have enough time to complete damage challenges, but they still want the badges. For such players and any other customers who want our assistance, we have created the best solution to get any available damage-related trophy in Apex Legends: Damage Badges Boost.


Apex Legends has a lot of Damage Badges and their corresponding challenges, and there are a lot more players who need our help with that. Our experts work clean and professionally, but not every gamer who tries to achieve our assistance follows the fair play rules. To avoid contact with such accounts and ensure both your and our employees’ online safety, as well as make the boosting process faster, we created a list of requirements for customers. In order to receive our assistance with any chosen Damage Badge in Apex Legends, you must meet the following criteria:

  • First of all, we only work with official accounts. Respawn provides access to official Apex Legends servers through Steam and Epic Games services, so you must have an account on one of these platforms in order to achieve our assistance with Damage Badges acquisition;
  • Regarding the safety of the process, we are working only with clean accounts. This means any player who violates in-game rules or user agreement clauses, or if he had VAC (Valve Anti-Cheat) or ranked bans, or any other types of restrictions can’t use our services, including Damage Badges Boost;
  • There are many character-related Damage Badges, and if you want to obtain some of them, you must provide access to these characters to our experts. Chosen heroes must be purchased on your account before ordering the service;

These are simple requirements for any customer who previously played officially ranked Apex Legends matches and never violated the rules. By ordering the service, you comply with the listed requirements, so you need to verify and confirm this before the Boost starts to make the process quick and safe. From our side, we will provide a professional, high-ranked Apex gamer who will take care of your request and make it as efficient as possible. An expert will ensure you achieve the requested result and that you get as many additional rewards as possible, which you can read about below.


Damage challenges in Apex Legends are usually quite simple activities, but some of them require a lot of effort. This means our experts will need some time to complete your order. The more time a booster will spend working on your account, the better rewards you will get at the end of our work. But even if we deal with obtaining Damage Badges in half an hour, you will receive some additional benefits. By purchasing Apex Legends Damage Badges Boost, you will receive the following guaranteed and possible rewards:

  • Requested Damage Badges as the main goal of the service;
  • Improvement of account damage statistics, total dealt in the first place, specific weapon damage if related challenges are chosen, damage in specific events, and others;
  • Improvement of character-related stats, such as damage dealt with certain legends, K/D/A (Kills/Deaths/Assists), finishers count, and others;
  • Improvement of non-related to the service stats on the account, such as winning rate;
  • Account experience and obtaining Legends Tokens and other additional leveling rewards;
  • RP (Ranked Points) achieved during the service for high placement and victories and possible improvement of rank;
  • Possible obtaining of loot crates for played games, which could contain various cosmetics, such as unique emotes, skins, voice phrases of any available in the game quality up to heirloom;
  • Battle Pass experience and challenges completion, which will reward you with unique items from the current season;

As you can see, just by purchasing a service that will provide you with a single Damage Badge, you can achieve multiple additional rewards. We are working hard for our customers and always trying to provide them with as many benefits as possible, even within the smallest Boost, and this is why our services are the best. Besides rewards, you can be sure of three things: quick order completion, the safety of your account, and the convenience of Damage Badges Boost. To make this service more convenient, we allow you to customize your order with additional options, which you can read about below.


To help our customers personalize their requests, we always provide them with a wide choice of additional options for each available Boost in any game, including Apex Legends. Although the services for this game are fairly straightforward, we still provide a certain set of options with which you can adjust the request to your needs. When ordering Damage Badges Boost, you can use the additional options listed below.

  • The main option is a choice of specific Badges you want us to farm. Depending on the specific event, character, or weapon chosen, we will provide you with an expert who has mastered related gameplay parts and specializes in such types of activities. This allows us to make the process as effective as possible and provide you with chosen Badges in no time.
  • Additional options that are available for Damage Badges Boost start from Express Mode. Express Mode allows you to skip the customers’ queue and achieve our assistance in the closest possible moment after the purchase (depending on availability of Apex boosters).
  • Our boosters are high-class Apex players with the highest ranks up to Predator and they always have something to learn from and for this we have prepared a special option of Personal Stream. With this option you will be able to enjoy the process from start to finish on a private translation in Discord.
  • Discount options are not viewed on the ordering tab, but the function works depending on the number of services in the shopping cart. The more Apex services you choose simultaneously, the cheaper each individual option gets, including the number of Damage Badges picked for this Boost.

These options are the main methods of customization of Damage Badges Boost orders and allow you to make the service effective and convenient, as well as adjust the price according to your payment possibilities. In addition, if you have any special wishes regarding Damage Badges Boost, we are always ready to change some of the service conditions to make it more personalized. To do this, you can contact our managers: they will explain if your adjustments are possible and will make changes to your order. Any changes to an order must take place during the checkout and purchase of the Damage Badges Boost service, and you can learn more about this process below.

Damage Badges Boost in Apex Legends Guide

There are many different Damage Badges in Apex Legends, and each one is supposed to have a different type of activity and a separate challenge. However, no matter which Badges you want to get with our support, the buying process will be the same for everyone. We have prepared a small guide suitable for all customers, especially for those who have never used similar services or never purchased them on our website. Below, you can see the list of steps required to checkout and purchase Damage Badges Boost in Apex Legends.

  • Click the Choose Game button on our website and go to the Apex Legends category;
  • Find the Badge Boosting section and select Damage Badges service;
  • Choose the Damage Badges you want us to farm and adjust your request using available basic and additional options;
  • To make a purchase, proceed to the checkout tab. There, you must fill all blank fields with required information, such as your contacts in Discord, Email, and payment details;
  • Depending on the number of challenges and their difficulty, as well as your current rank (which for us defines the average skill level in your lobby), we will provide you with the appropriate booster who will complete your request in the most efficient way;
  • To receive any necessary additional information about Damage Badges Boost, as well as any other Apex Legends solution you can reach out to our support service. Managers work 24/7, so you can discuss your question at any suitable time;

After going through all the described steps of the purchasing process listed in the guide, you will be able to get our support in getting the necessary Damage Badges. After the purchase, we will provide you with our best Apex experts who use all their skills and knowledge, as well as the best damage farming methods and top-tier strategies in the current meta to achieve results efficiently. They won’t use cheats, bugs, exploits, or abuse of other game vulnerabilities, and our website is working only with trusted payment providers, so you can be sure about your account and payment safety. By purchasing Apex Legends Damage Badges Boost at our website you are guaranteed of the quickest, safest and effective service and the best boosting experience.

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