Cataclysm Leveling and Gearing Bundle

Cataclysm Leveling and Gearing Bundle is for players who want to level and gear their characters for WoW Cataclysm Classic. Whether you’re starting from scratch or already max level, this service has everything you need to get into endgame content with competitive gear. Free leveling options and custom gearing services means you’ll save time and effort and be ready for the hard stuff. Take the grind out of the game and enjoy Cataclysm Classic!
Leveling Options
Use our free leveling services to get your character ready for Cataclysm Classic. Choose the option that suits you and we’ll take care of the grind.
- Leveling 80-85: Get to the new max level and into endgame content.
- Leveling 1-80: Level through all expansions and be ready for Cataclysm.
- Leveling 1-85: Level from scratch and be fully prepared for everything WoW Cataclysm Classic has to offer.
These leveling options will have your character ready for Cataclysm in no time.
Gearing Options
Once leveled, gear your character with high end gear to take on Cataclysm Classic’s toughest content. Choose from the following ilvl tiers:
- 359 ilvl gear: For heroics and entry level raids.
- 369 ilvl gear: Competitive raid gear.
- 378 ilvl gear: Top end gear for the hard stuff.
These gearing options will have your character ready for dungeons, raids and PvP. Cataclysm Leveling and Gearing Bundle has free leveling and premium gearing to get you ahead in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Choose your own path and gear level to fit your playstyle and needs. Don’t wait to get your fully leveled and geared character!