WoW TWW Patch 11.0.5 Bug Fixes and Changes

World of Warcraft: The War Within (TWW) Patch 11.0.5 is a major update that brings a variety of bug fixes, class balancing, and gameplay improvements to enhance the experience of WoW players. It fixes several critical class performance, ability and PvE/PvP issues. Along with those fixes, it also adds the Dracthyr class, 20th Anniversary Event, and other updates. In this guide, we’ll go over the biggest changes and bug fixes in this patch so you know what to expect from WoW TWW Patch 11.0.5.
Class Changes in WoW TWW Patch 11.0.5
Class changes and bug fixes are key to balance and performance across the board. In 11.0.5 several classes got changes, especially for bugs that broke gameplay.
Blood Death Knight (DK)
Blood DKs got a fix for the Vampiric Blood fading, which removed the Gift of the San’layn buff early, causing healing to be less efficient. Also, a big bug for Death Knights in raid environments was fixed.
Class | Issue | Fix |
Blood DK | Vampiric Blood removed Gift of the San’layn prematurely | Fixed issue to ensure buffs remain |
Deathbringer DK | Only one DK could apply Wave of Souls per target, reducing overall damage | Bug fix applied to allow multiple applications in raid scenarios |
This should make Death Knights stronger in solo and group content, especially in raids where timing and buff application matter.
Hunter Changes and Fixes
Beast Mastery Hunter
One of the bigger bugs that affected Beast Mastery Hunters was Kill Cleave being triggered when Beast Cleave faded, causing single target and AoE damage to increase. This is fixed to balance Hunter performance across the board.
Mage: Frost Mage and Arcane Nerfs
Frost Mage was nerfed by accident when an Arcane nerf was intended. Splintering Orb nerf intended for Arcane also nerfed Frost Mages by 9-10%, which was not intended and will be fixed in a future patch.
Specialization | Issue | Fix/Effect |
Frost Mage | Splintering Orb nerf affecting Frost spells | Future hotfix expected |
Arcane Mage | Splintering Orb adjustment | Intentional nerf to balance damage output |
Mages need to be watched closely and a future hotfix will fix the unintended nerfs to Frost Mages.
Paladin: Protection and Holy Bug Fixes
Paladins had several big issues in 11.0.5. Worthy Sacrifice not triggering Blessing of Sacrifice’s cooldown, so multiple sacrifices could be cast at the same time, which was not intended. Protection Paladins also had issues with their ability Sentinel, which still gave a 40% damage increase and Sacred Weapon targeting incorrectly.
This should make Paladins perform as intended, balanced in both offense and defense.
Rogue Bugs: Assassination and Outlaw
Rogues, especially Assassination and Outlaw, had several bugs. Assassination had many interactions broken. Deathstalker’s Mark would disappear mid-combat. Outlaw Rogues had an exploit where Coup De Grace could be used to gain an excessive amount of combo points, affecting their DPS.
Specialization | Issue | Fix |
Assassination Rogue | Deathstalker’s Mark disappearing | Bug fix pending |
Outlaw Rogue | Coup De Grace exploit | Fixed to balance DPS |
These should get Rogues back to their intended performance in PvE and PvP.
Shaman: Elemental, Enhancement, and Restoration
Shamans had several bugs, especially in Elemental and Enhancement. Elemental Shamans’ AoE damage went through the roof because Ascendance was applying all Flame Shocks to one target, causing massive overloads. This is being monitored.
Enhancement Shaman
Enhancement Shaman’s spec aura was changed from +2% to -4% in 11.0.5 without notice. Arc Discharge and Fire Nova had issues causing damage output to be inconsistent.
Warrior: Arms and Fury Nerfs and Bug Fixes
Warriors were nerfed by several bugs. One of the big ones was Unhinged not triggering Reap the Storm or Thunder Blast, so they lost around 10% multi-target damage. Warriors also had bugs where certain buffs were not being consumed properly, affecting damage output.
Specialization | Issue | Effect |
Arms & Fury Warrior | Unhinged not triggering certain abilities | Loss of up to 10% multi-target damage |
General | Buffs not being consumed | Reduced effectiveness in combat |
These should be part of future hotfixes to get Warriors back to raid and PvE performance.
Dungeon and Raid Fixes
Outside of class fixes, 11.0.5 had several dungeon and raid fixes for Nerub’ar Palace and Silken Court. These are important for smooth gameplay, especially for small groups and solo.
Dungeon/Raid | Issue | Fix |
Nerub’ar Palace | Bosses AFKing during key phases | Pending fix |
Silken Court | Desync issues during Spike Storm | Future patch expected to address desync |
Nerub’ar Palace had an issue where bosses would stay idle during key phases and slow down the whole encounter. This was frustrating for players trying to clear the content fast. Blizzard is aware of the issue and it’s being fixed in the next patch. Silken Court had desync during Spike Storm where visual cues didn’t match the damage mechanics, making it hard to avoid the attacks. Blizzard is working on fixing the desync in future patches to make these mechanics more precise.
These are important for consistency in high-end content where these bugs can block progression. As 11.0.5 continues to roll out, more changes will be coming to further smooth out the experience for WoW TWW.
Why Are The War Within Bug Fixes Important
WoW TWW 11.0.5 is a big patch that fixes a lot of bugs, balancing, and class-specific issues. From Death Knights to Shamans, this patch improves the overall experience for PvE and PvP players. As Blizzard continues to tweak the mechanics of The War Within, more hotfixes and changes will be coming in the next few weeks so players can have a balanced and fair game.
As players dive into the 20th Anniversary content and continue their adventures in Azeroth, these bug fixes will play a key role in enhancing the overall gameplay experience. Make sure to stay tuned for further updates as WoW continues to evolve with each new patch.
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