WoW Black Temple Timewalking Boost

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Black Temple (BT) Timewalking Boost is a service that allows you to complete this raid during the Burning Crusade Timewalking event.
By buying this service, you will defeat all the raid bosses and have chances to loot upgraded to level 70 items.
The service is available only during the Burning Crusade Timewalking event for a very limited time. Message us in a live chat to find out when the next event will be.
Black Temple Timewalking Boost options:
- Full 9/9 run – you will defeat all 9 raid bosses with our team, having chances to get loot from every fight. The run will take around 1-2 hours.
- Illidan kill – we will invite and summon your character when our group will be ready to pull Illidan and defeat the boss.
- 9/9 Black Temple raid bosses defeated in Timewalk mode (Group loot) or a single Illidan last boss kill (depends on the option selected);
- Increased chances to collect rare pets;
- Increased chances to loot Warglaive of Azzinoth legendary swords from Illidan;
- I’ll Hold These For You Until You Get Out and weapon transmogrification skin for demon hunter (DH) class, if you have already collected the legendary warglaives;
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