Apex Legends Rank Boost

Apex Legends Rank Boost

Apex Legends Rank Boost
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Apex Legends Rank Boost is a unique service that helps battle royale players effectively collect RP and obtain new titles. RP (Ranked Points) is the core mechanic in Apex matchmaking, which, upon gathering enough, grants gamers a transition to a higher division and, further. To collect Points on low division, it is enough just to not die in the first couple minutes of the match and make one or two kills, but the higher you climb, the harder it gets to not lose rating. RP and overall progression in Apex Legends are based on the player’s performance in-game, which means you need to be really skillful and knowledgeable to reach high ranks. However, not only your skill affects the progression, but your teammates and enemies, too.

On your way to Diamond, Master, or Predator, you encounter various hard moments and dishonest players. Losing streaks, smurfs, cheaters, unluck, deaths right after dropping from the ship, inability to find a normal gun or ammo, far away circle transition, unskilled teammates, stupid mistakes, bad decisions, and many more such moments could stop your progression when you only wanted to climb just a bit higher. But with Ranked Boost, you can forget about such difficulties and other gameplay problems and tilt and easily achieve the division you always deserved. We provide you with professional Apex Legends gamers who take care of your situation and help you reach any title you want. By purchasing the Boost, you purchase the passage to in-game lobbies with the highest skill level, top-tier titles, and unique cosmetics and Legends’ effects.

Apex Legends Ranks

The ranked system in Apex Legends is based on achieving different divisions (8 in total), the first six of which have four inner divisions. Each subsequent division and title is achieved by collecting a bigger amount of points: for example, to jump from Bronze 3 to 4, you need five hundred RP, but in Platinum, each division requires eight hundred. The best method to achieve more points is good performance in-game, which awards players more than if you just play for fun (for such gamers, we have unranked matchmaking). Here, you can see all Apex Legends Ranks and what you need to reach a specific matchmaking tier:

  • Rookie: the basic division each player gets when he starts playing matchmaking in Apex Legends. Each division in Rookie could be achieved quite easily because there are no losses, and only a thousand RP is a cap, which means one division requires two and a half hundred points.
  • Bronze: a beginner’s place , where, similarly to the previous one , there are no losses for bad in-game performance, so to progress, you must just join games and play. Bronze starts from a thousand RP and ends at 3000 rating.
  • Silver: the first one with entry cost, which here is twenty RP. It’s a little bit more difficult than Bronze, but still, it is a low division, and many players don’t know how to perform well. Learn the basics and a couple of tricks, and you could jump over silver in no time. To reach the next title, you must collect two thousand four hundred RP.
  • Gold: the lowest Rank in the middle of the leaderboard, which starts from 5400 RP. Entry cost here is almost twice higher, thirty-five points, skill level is starting to be higher, and players already know how to actually play the game. But still, it is not a difficult rank to progress through, it just requires some effort and time.
  • Platinum: the average division of a regular Apex Legends gamer. You can see completely different players here, from lucky players who don’t know how to play and got here thanks to friends to pro players who missed the start of the season and are now working their way up. Each division in Platinum requires eight hundred RP, and the entry cost is fifty-five points, which means here you actually need to work harder to progress.
  • Diamond: it is considered the highest placement for ordinary players who play casually because to get higher, you need to have high skill and a huge amount of time to train. Nine hundred points are required to go to each subsequent division, and the entrance fee is as much as seventy-five RP, which means that just to not lose the rating, you need to hold out at least until the last rings or make a few kills.
  • Master: the highest Rank before the top 750. The highest-skilled Apex gamers who didn’t manage to get to the top are gathered here. By ordering this boost, you could receive a huge number of rewards and the possibility to learn how to play on the best level.
  • Predator: the pinnacle of Apex Legends ranked system. The name Apex Predator speaks for itself because there are the most professional players with the best skills and quickest reaction, who play tournaments and invent new strategies, usually used by lower-ranked players. The title of Apex Predator, even achieved in a single season, will always be with you because of the Badge and Skydive trail.

Whatever Rank you have now, by purchasing this service, you are guaranteeing yourself the title you want. We will help you achieve it in the shortest time possible because our experts are always using the most effective methods of progression, the best strategies, and characters in this meta. But to get our help with Rank Boost, you need to meet some requirements, which you can find out about below.


Requirements for Rank Boost service are simple and created to cut out all dishonest players with corrupted accounts, which could affect our work and customers. We want to help as many Apex players as we can and try to give unique experiences to each of them, but this also means we need unified rules to keep the service quick and effective. We created a short list of requirements for customers, which allows us to perform as well as we want and explain to each Apex gamer what they need to achieve our assistance. Below, you can see all you need to comply with in order to purchase Apex Legends Rank Boost.

  • Official account
  • Absence of Bans

Any current rank, average skill level of your lobby, or statistics of your account works fine for us and won’t affect experts’ work: we used to work even in the hardest conditions. You can order Rank Boost whenever you want, but the most efficient would be at the start of the new season. At this time, there are many players up to Predators who start new accounts or smurfing, and there happen to be many other mistakes related to the wrong matching of players’ teams. Purchasing the Boost on our website helps you skip the grind in such conditions, providing you with a quick progression and collecting all related rewards, which you can read about below.


Rewards that customers could expect when buying Rank Boost are just an increased amount of RP on their account and the corresponding title. However, with our service, it is possible to achieve much more during ranked progression. The best outcome comes from a large amount of games played by or with our experts. If you request the transition, let’s say, from Silver to Master, you will receive a lot of additional benefits. Below, you can see the list of guaranteed and possible rewards you will receive by purchasing Apex Legends Rank Boost.

  • Any available Rank in Apex Legends as a main goal of the boost;
  • Badges of achieved Rank and ones collected in the process;
  • Possibility to get unique Badges for completion of challenges during the boost;
  • Unique skydive emotes, which becomes available with the start of the next season if you request the title of Diamond and higher (Skydive look depends on the current season and reached Rank);
  • Depending on the Rank you want, it is possible to receive additional cosmetic rewards;
  • Improvement of account statistics, including winning rate and other important indicators;
  • Improvement of specific characters’ statistics, depending on which Legends you or booster from your account played during the boost;
  • Account experience and consequently leveling progression, as well as Legends Points you can spend in the in-game shop to purchase new characters or cosmetics;
  • Apex Packs with random loot, up to Heirloom quality;

The better players perform in-game, the higher the rewards would be, faster ranked progression will go, and our experts always perform in the most efficient way. This guarantees you the achievement of the result faster than with any other service or if you would try it yourself. You also can customize the entire process, making it faster, cheaper or more convenient for you with additional options, you can read about below.


We created a list of additional options for Rank Boost, as well as for other services in Apex Legends, to make the boost more convenient and individual for our customers. With such options, you can adjust the Boost in a way that is more beneficial for you. Proper choices will also allow us to pick the most suitable expert for your request and optimize the boosting process, making progression even faster. Below, you can see the list of available options for Apex Legends Rank Boost:

  • The main customization option for this service is the choice of Ranked title and specific division in it. Depending on the range of ranks and amount of RP our experts must farm for you, the price and order fulfillment time may vary. It also affects the level and quality of guaranteed and possible rewards;
  • Express mode is the first additional option, which can help you make the whole process a little bit faster. First of all, by picking the Express option you will not wait as others in the customer queue, but instead will be first to receive our assistance. We also will find you the strongest available expert to work on your progression.
  • Depending on your preferences, you can choose between the Self-Play option and the Piloted mode. Piloted mode allows you to skip the grind and hand over the control of your account to a highly-ranked expert. Self-play is another carry option where you will play along with our booster (this can slow down the Ranked progression but will be more interesting);
  • If you have decided to choose the Piloted mode for the Rank Boost service, you can still monitor the whole process with the Personal Stream option. With this option, we provide you with the private translation in Discord so you can watch how our experts work;

Depending on your choices, the total cost of Ranked Boost may vary, but you can change the pricing using the benefits of our discount policy. You could choose several boosts within a single order or buy Rank Boost as a part of the Sale Bundle. This way, you can save up to forty percent of the total price. By purchasing this service on our website, you are guaranteed the safest, fastest, most effective, and rewarding Ranked progression and the best Apex Legends Boosting experience.

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