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Albion Online Transport Mammoth

Albion Online Transport Mammoth
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Albion Online Transport Mammoth is one of the rarest and most popular mounts in the game, known for its huge carrying capacity and equally huge grind required to obtain. It’s basically a walking storage fortress, able to carry more than any other mount in Albion Online, but at a snail’s pace. But getting it on your own means venturing into Black Zones (full-loot PvP areas), hunting rare mobs and praying to the loot gods for a drop. That’s where our Transport Mammoth boost comes in – ChaosBoost does the grind, risk and mammoth wrangling for you.


When you buy our Albion Online Transport Mammoth boost, you’ll get a lot of rewards. Here’s what’s included:

  • Elder’s Transport Mammoth (Tier 8 Mount) – The main prize: your very own Transport Mammoth with unmatched carrying capacity (about 10× a T8 Ox’s load). This massive mount lets you carry more than anyone else in Albion.
  • All Loot & Silver from Farming – All loot, silver and resources we farm during the boost (including any extra rare drops or T8 hide) will be yours. We don’t keep a single silver – everything goes straight to your inventory.
  • Fame (Experience) – Defeating high tier mobs and bosses gives a ton of fame. All that combat fame goes to your character’s progression on the Destiny Board, nice bonus on top of getting the mount.

By the end of the boost, you’ll have your mount and all these extra perks without spending weeks of grinding.


ChaosBoost offers flexible service options for the Albion Online Transport Mammoth boost to fit every player:

  • Piloted Boost (Account Share) – A professional Albion booster will log into your account and do all the work for you. Our expert will farm mobs, kill Old White, raise the calf and deliver the mount. You can relax while we get your mount. We keep your account safe and confidential throughout.
  • Self-Play (Carry) – If you want to be part of the action, choose self-play. You’ll team up with our Albion veteran team to hunt together. Our crew will escort you to the boss fight and do the heavy lifting while you stay safe and get the Calf drop. No account sharing required – you’ll see Old White die with your own eyes.
  • Mammoth Calf or Fully Raised – We can deliver the Mammoth Calf (the baby mount) or the fully grown Transport Mammoth according to your preference. If you want to raise the beast yourself, we’ll trade you the calf so you can grow it on your island. If you want to ride immediately, we’ll raise and craft the saddle and deliver the fully grown mount to you.

All boosting options give you direct methods to get a Transport Mammoth the fastest way. Every route delivers quick results and immediate payout in Albion Online.


To get a Transport Mammoth in Albion Online, you must meet certain requirements. Once you meet these conditions, the boost process will be a breeze. Check out the list below.

  • Albion Online Account – You must have an active Albion Online account for us to deliver your rewards.
  • Character with Tier 8 Mount Unlock – Ensure your character has the Elder Adventurer node unlocked on the Destiny Board, which allows the use of Tier 8 mounts.
  • Personal Island with Kennel (Optional) – If you choose to get a Calf and raise it yourself, you’ll need a personal island with a T8 Kennel building (to grow the calf into a tame mammoth). If you choose the fully raised mount, this doesn’t apply.
  • Gear and Level for Self-Play – (Self-play only) You should have decent gear (around 1200+ Item Power) and be comfortable in PvP zones. Our team will protect you, but Black Zones are unpredictable.
  • Account Access Details – (Piloted only) If you choose account sharing, you’ll need to provide your login details at the start of the boost. ChaosBoost players will treat your account with utmost care and confidentiality. We’ll coordinate login times with you (don’t log in during the boost to avoid disconnects).

If you meet these requirements, you’re good to go. Our support team will walk you through any setup steps and answer questions before ChaosBoost players begin the service.

Mammoth Location in Albion Online

Where do Transport Mammoths come from in the game? You won’t find these gentle giants just roaming any newbie zone. Getting it requires you to tackle specific high-level content:

  • Tier 7 Steppe Zones (Open World) – In T7 steppes you can encounter the regular mob. They have an extremely low drop rate for the Calf (~0.02%). You need a team to take one down due to their massive HP.
  • Tier 8 Steppe Zones (Open World) – The Ancient Mammoth roams the T8 black zones in steppe regions. This beast has more HP and a slightly higher (but still tiny) drop rate (~0.3%). Only a few spawn per map and guilds camp them too.
  • Old White (World Boss) – Old White is the legendary white mammoth boss that spawns in a T8 steppe area of the Outlands. It’s a tough fight for a coordinated group, with heavy stomps and adds. Worth it: Old White has the highest calf drop rate (~36%, about 1 in 3). This is the prime target for hunters.

Notice a pattern? All of these sources are in the most dangerous PvP zones in Albion. Trying to get a mammoth means getting ganked along with fighting tough mobs. That’s why it’s better to use our boost service – ChaosBoost players handle the danger for you and greatly increase your chances of getting the prize without losing your gear.

Albion Online Mammoth Drop Rate

Mammoth Calf drop rate is very low. Here’s the drop rate from each source:

Source Mammoth Calf Drop Chance
Old White (T8 World Boss) ~36.4% per kill (roughly 1 in 3)
Ancient Mammoth (T8 mob) ~0.3% per kill (roughly 1 in 347)
Mammoth (T7 mob) ~0.02% per kill (roughly 1 in 5000+)

The table shows it: outside of Old White, the chances of getting a Mammoth Calf are incredibly low. You can kill thousands of mobs for weeks and get nothing. Ancient Mammoths barely give you 0.3% chance. Old White’s 1 in 3 chance comes with a tough fight and competition.

In short, these drop rates is why Transport Mammoth is one of the rarest and most expensive item in Albion. Instead of gambling with RNG or risking your life and gear in the Outlands, get our team to do it for you. Buy our Transport Mammoth boost today and skip the grind and danger – get your mount now.


ChaosBoost gives you a direct route to a Transport Mammoth without the long grind Albion Online requires. Our team handles hunting, raising and final handover of the mount so you don’t have to farm endlessly. Check out the questions below for quick answers and more info on the Transport Mammoth boost.

How does the Albion Online Transport Mammoth boosting work?

Our team of Albion Online experts will get you the Transport Mammoth through in-game methods. We usually group up to take down Old White (a T8 world boss). We can play on your behalf (piloted) or guide you (self-play) to get the calf, then raise it into a fully grown mount and hand it over to your character.

Is it safe to buy a Transport Mammoth?

Yes – we never use any cheats or bots, only legitimate gameplay. Our boosters are Albion veterans who put your account’s safety first and when piloting we mimic your playstyle. We’ve done hundreds of orders without a single ban, so you can trust your account is in good hands.

How long does it take to get my Transport Mammoth?

Drop is RNG dependent, but we’ll farm relentlessly until it drops. It usually takes a few days of farming; if we’re very lucky it might drop on the first try. Either way we won’t stop until your reward is secured.

Do I need to share my account for this boost?

Not necessary – we offer both account sharing (piloted) and self-play options. Piloted is faster since our pro can grind on your account, while self-play lets you join our team in the hunt without giving up control of your account. Both will get you a to the goal, it’s just a matter of what you prefer.

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